NORDITA NEWS   1998 / 1                           February 1, 1998

Research Projects for Students

At the present time quite a number of Nordic students studying for their master's or doctoral degrees are carrying out research projects with members of the Nordita staff. If you are interested in such a project, you are encouraged to contact the Nordita staff member in your area of interest, or the Nordita administration ( Nordita may be able to provide financial support to cover the costs of research visits by Nordic students to the institute in connection with such projects.

Bose-Einstein Condensation in Dilute Gases

The Nordita Lecture notes by Chris Pethick and Henrik Smith on the above subject have been reprinted, and copies may be obtained by contacting Jette Nielsen, email:

Board Meetings

Nordita's Board will meet on the following dates: 13 and 14 March 1998 in Copenhagen, and 5 and 6 June 1998 in Reykjavik.

Items for Nordita News
If you have any information about meetings, etc. that would be useful to include in Nordita News, please send it to Nordita, att.: Jette Nielsen, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark or by e-mail: Nordita News appears on the first day of even numbered months, and material should be sent at least 3 weeks before the publication date.

Electronic Nordita News
You may order the electronic version of Nordita News by subscribing to our listserver. To obtain information on how to add your name to the recipient list, send an e-mail (with empty or no subject line): To:, Subject: (empty or none) with the following lines of text: info nordita_news. For general questions about Nordita, please send an e-mail to

Postdoctoral Fellowship at Uppsala Astronomical Observatory

The new fellowship is part of the program in observational astronomy. The main goal of the program is to establish observational tests for the theoretical models of stellar structure and evolution and for the new generation of model atmospheres under development in Uppsala.
The appointment will be for one year, renewable for a second year. The successful applicant will concentrate on searching unambiguous relations between observations and critical model parameters either by in depth modeling of existing data (e.g. Doppler Imaging) or by suggesting and implementing new types of observations. Therefore, a good background in spectroscopic instrumen-tation, stellar spectroscopy, spectral synthesis, model atmospheres and numerical methods would be an asset.
The closing date for applications is March 1st 1998. The position will be open from the 1st of June 1998. The application must include a CV, a list of publications, one copy of two papers selected by the applicant, a short description (not more than three pages) of current research interests, the names of two references. These should be sent to: Prof. Nikolai Piskunov (piskunov@ astro. uu. se), Uppsala Astronomical Observatory, Box-515, S-751 20 Uppsala, Sweden. Www:


This list only includes new items. For a more complete list of conferences etc., please see the calender on the last page.

Nordita Master Class in Physics
Copenhagen, Denmark, July 25 - August 1, 1998.
A one-week school of physics will be organised in Copenhagen for undergraduate students from the Nordic and Baltic countries. The school aims at introducing frontier areas of physics research by top scientists at a level understandable for undergraduate students, and also to stimulate further studies. The following four series of lectures, each of five hours, will be given: "Finite Many-Fermion Systems" Prof. Ben Mottelson, NORDITA; "Cold Atoms and Bose-Einstein Condensation" Prof. Lene Vestergaard Hau, Rowland Inst. and Harvard University; "The Complexity of Materials" Prof. Susan Coppersmith, Univ. of Chicago; "Fundamental Laws of Nature" Prof. Holger Bech Nielsen, Niels Bohr Inst.. Application forms and more information can be obtained from the website: masterclass.html.

Summer School in Physics of Molecular Biology
Krogerup Højskole, Humlebaek, Denmark, August 19-29, 1998.
The summer school will deal with physics of proteins including their interaction and control with DNA, genetic networks, ratchets, molecular motors, RNA and problems related to evolution. For teachers at the summer school we have invited: A. Ellington (Directed evolution in the lab); G. von Heine (Experiments and models on membrane proteins); J. Hertz (Genetic networks); J. Howard (Molecular motors, experiments); S. Leibler (Bacterial chemotaxis and chemical network); G. Oster (Models of ratchets and molecular motors); C. Peterson (Protein modelling); V. Privalov (Protein calorimetry and phase transition experiments); J. Reinitz (Genetic networks); C. Tang (Protein modelling); Y.-C. Zhang (Evolution modelling).
The summer school will be from august 19 to august 29, finishing saturday the 29 in the morning. There will be 8 working days, each divided into a morning session with about 3 hours of lectures, and an afternoon session for direct discussion with invited speakers. The school is aimed at students (from just before they enter a PhD program) and post docs. The participation fee is DKK 4,500 which covers full board and lodging. Participants may apply for partial or full support of participation and/or travel costs.
Application deadline June 15, 1998. There is room for 60 participants. Please E-mail to Ellen Pedersen at Nordita ( for registration, and specify whether you wish to apply for financial support to cover the participation fee and/or travel. Please include a brief CV in your registration. Organizers: E. Aurell, H. Flyvbjerg, M.H. Jensen, J. Hertz and K. Sneppen.

Visitors at NBI / CATS / NORDITA / TAC

G. Tautvaisiene, (Vilnius), (A), Present - 20.2.98, Nordita
P. Ball, (FNAL), (P), Present - 28.2.98, Nordita
G. Stoll, (Zurich) Present - 28.2.98, Nordita
J.O. Fossum, (Trondheim) Present - 1.3.9, Nordita
P. Traat, (Tartu), (A), Present - 15.3.98, Nordita
M. Schmidt, (Heidelberg) 1 month, Nordita
H. Fogedby, (Århus), (S), Several visits 1998, Nordita
A. Hansen, (Trondheim), (S), Several visits 1998, Nordita
A. Yashenkin, (St. Petersburg), February 1998, Nordita
I. Pesando, (Torino), (P), 1.3 - 30.4.98, NBI
P. Ellis, (N ), 1.4 - 21.4.98, NBI
L. McLerran, (Minnesota), 26.5-28.6 and 3.8 - 4.9.98, Nordita

The fields are listed after the names: A (Astrophysics), C (Complex Systems & Chaos), N (Nuclear Physics), P (Particle Physics), and S (Condensed Matter).
If you are interested in having any of these people visit your institute, please contact NORDITA.

Long-term Visitors at NORDITA

S. Mitzuroi, (Kyoto), (N), 2 months around Feb. - March,
J. Stucki, (Univ. of Bern), (S), S present - March,
J.O. Fj�ested, (Trondheim), present - 28.2.98,
G. Kavoulakis, (Illinois), present - 1.3.98,
Ø. M. Skj�eland, (NTNU) present - 1.3.98,
S. Peigne, (France), (P), present - 31.12.98,
A. Smilga, (St. Petersburg), July - September 98,

Preprints / Reprints

New reprints and preprints obtainable from Jette Nielsen, e-mail:

C. Bernard, T. Blum, C. DeTar, S. Gottlieb, U.M. Heller, J.E. Hetrick, C. McNeile, K. Rummukainen, R. Sugar, D. Touissant, and M. Wingate: Continuum limit of lattice QCD with staggered quarks in the valence approximation. A critical role for the chiral extrapolation. 97/74.

S.E. Derkachov and A.N. Manashov: Spectrum of anomalous dimensions in scalar field theory. 97/76.

A. Polls, H. Mther, R. Machleidt, M. Hjorth-Jensen: Phase shift equivalent NN potentials and the deuteron. 97/77.

P. Rubin, A. Sherman, and M. Schreiber: Bound hole states and ferrons in HTSC. 97/79.

H. Heiselberg, S. Jeon, L. McLerran, and H.-B. Tang: Hot neutron stars as a source for gamma ray bursts at cosmological distance scales. 97/81.

H. Pedersen, A.O. Jaunsen, T. Grav, R. Ostensen, M.I. Andersen, M. Wold, H. Kristen, A. Broeils, M. Naeslund, C. Fransson, M. Lacy, A.J. Castro-Tirado, J. Gorosabel, J.M. Rodriguez Espinosa, A.M. Perez, C. Wolf, R. Fockenbrock, J. Hjorth, P. Muhli, P. Hakala, L. Piro, M. Fero, E. Costa, L. Nicastro, E. Palazzi, F. Frontera, L. Monaldi, and J. Heise: Evidence for diverse optical emission from gamma-ray burst sources. 97/83.

C. Bernard, T. Blum, T.A. DeGrand, C. DeTar, C. McNeile, S. Gottlieb, U.M. Heller, J. Hetrick, K. Rummukainen, B. Sugar, and D. Touissant: Quenched hadron spectroscopy with improved staggered quark action. 97/84.

G.M. Kavoulakis, C.J. Pethick, and H. Smith: Damping of hydrodynamic modes in a trapped Bose gas above the Bose-Einstein transition temperature. 97/85.

G.M. Kavoulakis and C.J. Pethick: Sound propagation in elongated Bose-Einstein condensed clouds. 97/86.

H.W. Barz, J.P. Bondorf, J.J. Gaardhøje, and H. Heiselberg: Coulomb effects on particle spectra in relativistic nuclear collisions. 97/87.

Overview of Future Nordita and other Conferences

Title / Place / Date Contact Person Fax / Email / www
Graduate Course on the
Physics of Random Systems,
Modern Statistical Physics,
Univ. of Oslo.
Periods: I. 9-27.2.1998,
II. 13-17.4.1998
III. 14-20.6.1998.
I. Lauvstad
Physics Dept.
Univ. of Oslo
+47-22 85 51 01 (fax)
9th Nordic Meeting on
Nuclear Physics.
Jyväskylä, Finland.
4-8 August 1998.
Matias Aunola
Dept. of Physics
Univ. of Jyväskylä
+358 14 602 351 (fax)
Nordita Master Class in Physics.
Nordita, Copenhagen.
25 July - 1 August 1998.
S. Åberg
LTH, Lund
(+46) 46 2224416 (fax)
Nordic Research Course:
Duality in String and Field Theory.
Nordita, Copenhagen.
4-14 August 1998.
Anna Maria Rey
(+45) 35 38 91 57 (fax)
Classical and Semi-classical
Techniques at High Temperature
and in Heavy Ion Collisions.
Nordita, Copenhagen.
17-19 June 1998.
H. Heiselberg
(+45) 35 38 91 57 (fax)
Nordic Graduate Program in Physics.
Nordita, Copenhagen.
7-18 September 1998.
H. Heiselberg
(+45) 35 38 91 57 (fax)
Strong and Electroweak Matter 98.
Nordita / NBI, Copenhagen.
2-5 December 1998.
K. Rummukainen
(+45) 35 38 91 57 (fax)
Instantons and Monopoles
in the QCD Vacuum.
Nordita, Copenhagen.
June 22-27 1998.
D. Diakonov
(+45) 35 38 91 57 (fax)
The Annual Nordic-Trieste
Astrophysical Workshop (TAN-TA).
Trieste, Italy.
9 August - 8 September 1998.
M. Abramowicz
Chalmers, Goteborg.
Summer School in Physics
of Microbiological Systems.
Humlebaek, Denmark.
19-28 August 1998
K. Sneppen
(+45) 35 38 91 57 (fax)