Nordita News 2004/2


The First Danish Award for the Communication of Research

Congratulations to Anja C. Andersen, Nordita Fellow in astrophysics, who has just received the first Award for the Communication of Research from the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. The Award, which includes100.000 Dkk, is for her engaging reporting on radio and television of the fascinating universe.


Board Meeting
Nordita's Board will meet on 4 June 2004 in Copenhagen.



Overview of Future Nordita Meetings and other Meetings in the Nordic Countries

10 - 12 June 2004. Nordita, Copenhagen.
Nordic Project: "Meeting on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems"
It is the third meeting in the Nordic project on Strongly Correlated Electron systems.
O. Syljuåsen, Nordita.   Email:

16 - 19 June 2004. Helsinki, Finland.
Strong and Electroweak Matter 2004
K. Rummukainen, K. Enqvist, et al.   Email:

27 June - 2 July 2004. Göteborg, Sweden.
INPC 2004, International Nuclear Physics Conference.
The conference is the 22nd in the series of triennial, nuclear physics conferences. The morning sessions will traditionally offer plenary talks while the afternoons will be devoted to six parallel topical conferences: Nuclei and the Standard Model, Subnucleon Degrees of Freedom, Towards Exotic Nuclei, Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Nuclear Astrophysics, Applications and Technical Developments.   Online registration.
(Nordita contact: C.J. Pethick.   Email:

12 - 16 July 2004. Reykjavik, Iceland.
Bioastronomy 2004, Habitable Worlds.
Online registration.

8 - 14 August 2004. Humlebæk, Denmark.
Summer school and workshop: "Complex Motion in Fluids".
The aim of the summer school/workshop is to introduce and discuss important new developments in fluid dynamics. Main Topics: Free surface flows, surface tension and wetting; Corners and jumps in fluid flows; Fluid dynamics of living organisms; Rheology and the physics of non-Newtonian fluids; Turbulence and drag reduction; Granular flows, dunes and sand ripples; Instabilities in magnetohydrodynamics and relations to viscoelasticity; Microfluidics and mixing; Nanofluidics and water transport through nanotubes.
T. Bohr, A. Brandenburg, M.H. Jensen et al.   Email:

9 - 27 August 2004. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Niels Bohr Summer Institute on Quantum Optics.
The Summer Institute has been established as an annual event conducted in Copenhagen on topics within the research interests of the Niels Bohr Institute for Physics, Astronomy and Geophysics. The Summer Institute is organized as a three week gathering of leading experts in a chosen field with ample time for discussion. The topic of the 2004 Summer Institute will be Quantum Optics, with Quantum Information and Quantum Gases as the two central subjects. We hope to promote further links between these two areas via this meeting. One week of the Summer Institute (August 16-20) will be devoted to the Niels Bohr Quantum Optics Symposium/ PhD school.   -   Registration email:
K. Mølmer, C.J. Pethick, E. Polzik.   Email:,

13 - 15 August 2004. Turku, Finland.
Nordic Project: Workshop on "Astrobiological problems for physicists II".
Astrobiology is a new and dynamic topic, which covers many subfields within astronomy and touches upon areas where astronomy interfaces with biology, biochemistry, geology, biophysics and geophysics. The purpose of the meeting was to bring together scientists from the Nordic countries who are interested in the field to discuss astrobiological problems that physicists and biologists can tackle. This is the second meeting in the series; the first one was held in Copenhagen (8-10 January 2004).
A. Brandenburg.   Email:

23 - 27 August 2004. Göteborg, Sweden.
ICBP 2004. 5th International Conference on "Biological Physics".
The first two International Conferences on Biological Physics were mainly focused on biopolymers and membranes, but, in the 3rd and 4th conferences the scope of these meetings was significantly broadened, to also include biological functions of a living cell. The 5th conference will continue in this direction, and also include networks of living cells. It will consist of 15 plenary lectures and 11 symposia, in principle covering all areas within biological physics. The aim is to present the fronts of development in each field of the different symposia. Each symposium will consist of three invited talks, and talks that will be selected among contributed papers.   Online registration.
(J. Hertz, organizer at Symposium: 11. Complex Systems).

28 - 31 August 2004. Nordita, Copenhagen.
Nordic Project: Workshop on "Statistical Physics, Soft Matter and Biological Physics".
It is relevant to help understand the basic mechanisms of life such as the behaviour of single DNA molecules and their interaction with proteins. Due to their physical properties, biomolecules and their interaction with the cellular environment are aptly described by statistical mechanical tools. This Nordita workshop will mark the launch of a 3-year Nordic network in soft matter and biological physics, which intends to bring together scientists from the Nordic region working, or planning to work, in this area of physics. The workshop itself will include a number tutorials presented by leading international scientists in biological physics.
R. Metzler et al.   Email:

2 - 4 September 2004. Nordita, Copenhagen
Workshop on "Cosmic Ray Dynamics: From Turbulent to Galactic-Scale Magnetic Fields".
The dynamics of cosmic ray particles crucially depends on the detailed structure of interstellar magnetic fields over a broad range of scales, from the dissipation scale of interstellar turbulence up to the dimension of the Galactic halo. The intermittent (filamentary) nature of turbulent magnetic fields, recently revealed by MHD simulations, should affect significantly the diffusivity of cosmic ray particles, whereas understanding the global symmetry and strength of the global magnetic field in the Galactic halo is essential for the clarification of the origin of high-energy cosmic rays. An important factor here is the advent of the realistic models of interstellar medium driven by supernovae, that include magnetic fields. The topic is important for researchers in (1) cosmic ray and particle astrophysics, (2) physics of interstellar medium, (3) radio astronomy, (4) astrophysical magnetohydrodynamics.
A. Brandenburg et al.   Email:

17-19 September 2004. Skiphelle near Oslo, Norway.
"2nd Nordic Neuroinformatics Workshop".
Neuroinformatics is a cross-disciplinary scientific field which (according to the OECD definition) encompasses neuroscience data- and knowledge bases, analytical and modelling tools, and computational models of brain function at multiple levels. In neuroinformatics, methods from physics, informatics, mathematics and statistics are used to address neuroscience problems. The field is developing rapidly internationally, and the goal of the present workshop is to stimulate the development of the field in the Nordic countries. A goal of this workshop is to present new developments from all the three branches of neuroinformatics.
G.T. Einevoll, J.Hertz, et al.   Email:



Long-term Visitors at Nordita 2004
Gentaro Watanabe (Japan) until 31.05.05 (cm)
Federica Vian (Italy) until 15.09.05 (sa)
Halvor Møll Nilsen (Norway) 01.03.04 - 30.09.04 (cm)
Suman Kumar Banik (Dresden) 01.04.04 - 31.03.05 (cm/bio)
Andreas Isacsson (Göteborg) 01.04.04 - (cm) New Nordic fellow 2004/2005

The fields of physics: (ap) astrophysics, (bio) biological physics, (cm) condensed matter physics, (sa) sub atomic physics.


Nordita Preprints / Reprints
New preprints and reprints obtainable from Anna Maria Rey,

2004-017 Supersymmetric quenching of the Toda lattice equation.   K. Splittorff, J.J.M. Verbaarschot.
2004-018 The autonomous asteroid mappling mission "Bering".   A.C. Andersen, R. Michelsen, H. Haack, J.L. Jørgensen, M. Betto M, P.S. Jørgensen.
2004-019 Dynamic model atmospheres of cool giants.   S. Hoefner, R. Gautschy-Loidl, B. Aringer, W. Nowotny, J. Hron, B. Freytag.
2004-021 Static response of Fermi liquids with tensor interactions.   E. Olsson, P. Haensel, C. J. Pethick.
2004-022 The principle underlying quantum mechanics.   A. Bohr, B.R. Mottelson, O. Ulfbeck.
2004-023 Mean field theory for a balanced hypercolumn model of orientation selectivity in primary visual cortex.   A. Lerchner, G. Sterner, J. Hertz, M. Ahmadi.
2004-024 Simulating galaxy clusters - III: Properties of the intracluster stars.   J. Sommer-Larsen, A.D. Romeo, L. Portinari.
2004-025 Simulating galaxies and galaxy clusters.   J. Sommer-Larsen.
2004-026 Networking the seceder model: Group formation in social and economic systems.   A. Grönlund, P. Holme.
2004-027 Efficient local strategies for vaccination and network attack.   P. Holme.
2004-028 Network dynamics of ongoing social relationships.   P. Holme.
2004-029 Quantum weights of dyons and of instantons with non-trivial holonomy.   D. Diakonov, N. Gromov, V. Petrov, S. Slizovskiy.
2004-030 Gauge invariant effective action for the Polyakov line in the SU(N) Yang-Mills theory at high temperatures.   D. Diakonov, M. Oswald.
2004-031 Dynamic model atmospheres of AGB stars, IV. A comparison of synthetic carbon star spectra with observations.   R. Gautschy-Loidl, S. Höfner, U.G. Jørgensen.
2004-032 Resummation in hot field theories.   J.O. Andersen, M. Strickland.
2004-033 Cosmic acceleration and extra dimensions: constraints on modifications of the Friedmann equation.   O. Elgaroy, T. Multamaki .
2004-034 Domain wall propagation and nucleation in a metastable two-level system.   H.C. Fogedby, J. Hertz, A. Svane.
2004-035 The "zeroth law" of turbulence: Isotropic turbulence simulations revisited.   B.R. Pearson, T.A. Yousef, N.E.L. Haugen, A. Brandenburg, P.A. Krogstad.
2004-036 Passive scalar diffusion as a damped wave.   A. Brandenburg, P. Käpylä, A. Mohammed.
2004-037 Astrophysical magnetic fields and nonlinear dynamo theory.   A. Brandenburg, K. Subramanian.
2004-038 Nonspecific binding of the O_R repressors CI and Cro of bacteriophage lambda.   A. Bakk, R. Metzler.
2004-039 In vivo non-specific binding of lambda CI and Cro repressors is significant.   A. Bakk, R. Metzler.
2004-040 Transcriptional activation mechanisms of the P_RM promoter of lambda phage.   A. Bakk.


Items for Nordita News
If you have information about meetings, etc. that would be useful to include in Nordita News, please send it to Hanne Bergen, Nordita, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark or by email:


June 2004

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