Issue 1, 2014

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Stephen Powell to join Nordita as Assistant Professor

We look forward to welcoming Stephen Powell of the University of Maryland to Nordita, where he will be Assistant Professor of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, starting September 2012. His work has focused on phase transitions in quantum systems, including fermion-­?boson mixtures near a Feshbach resonance and spin dynamics near the superfluid-­?insulator transition of cold atoms in optical lattices. He has developed a theory of a wide class of frustrated systems exhibiting ?spin-­?liquid? states and exotic phase transitions. His recent work includes spin vortices and Majorana fermions in cold atomic systems.

Elizabeth Yang, new administrator for scientific programs

Nordita welcomes Elizabeth Yang to our administrative staff. Elizabeth joined Nordita in March as Scientific Program Coordinator. She will be assisting program organizers with all aspects of preparation and execution of Scientific Programs and she will be the primary contact person at Nordita for program participants. Elizabeth will also work with planning program budgets and with cost reporting and budget follow-up for the programs.

Six new scientific programs approved for 2013 - 2014

At its meeting in February 2012, the Nordita Board approved six new Scientific Programs for 2013 - 2014 and they have now been added to the program schedule

Stochastic Thermodynamics, March 4 - 15, 2013
Beyond the LHC - July 1 - 26, 2013
Superconductivity: The Second Century - August 5 - 30, 2013
Lyman Alpha as an Astrophysical Tool - September 2 - 27, 2013
News in Neutrino Physics - April 7 - May 2, 2014
Dynamics of Particles in Flows: Fundamentals and Applications, June 2 - 27, 2014

For further information about these and other Nordita Scientific Programs, see the program schedule.

Cooperation agreements signed with APCTP and SISSA

Nordita has signed cooperation agreements with the Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) in Pohang, Korea, and the Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) in Trieste, Italy, to promote scientific collaboration and facilitate the exchange of visitors. Nordita is looking to establish formal ties with several other international research institutions in Europe and worldwide in the near future and is open to co-sponsoring workshops and organizing other joint scientific activities.

New book on the birth of String Theory

This unique book, edited by Paolo Di Vecchia from Nordita together with Andrea Cappelli, Elena Castellani, and Filippo Colomo, explores the history of String Theory's early development, as told by many of its main protagonists. The book journeys from the first version of the theory (the so-called dual resonance model) in the late sixties, as an attempt to describe the physics of strong interactions outside the framework of quantum field theory, to its reinterpretation in the mid-seventies as a quantum theory of gravity unified with the other forces, and its subsequent development up to the superstring revolution in 1984.

Link to book (at Cambridge University Press)

2012 Nordita MasterClass

The 2012 Nordita MasterClass is open until May 17 for applications from undergraduate students in the Nordic and Baltic countries. The school aims at introducing frontier areas of physics research at a level understandable for undergraduate students, and to stimulate their interest in further studies. It gives a unique possibility for students to meet outstanding scientists both in class and in an informal atmosphere.

The following five series of lectures, each of four hours, will be given. The lectures will be accompanied by group exercises and discussion sessions.

Cosmology, dark matter, and dark energy - Øystein Elgarøy, University of Oslo
Physics of Climates - John Wettlaufer, Yale University and Nordita
The Higgs boson, the Standard Model, and beyond - Mads T. Frandsen, University of Oxford
Topology in condensed matter physics - Hans Hansson, Stockholm University
Planet Formation - Anders Johansen, Lund Observatory

The 2012 Nordita MasterClass will be held in Hillerød, a picturesque suburb north of Copenhagen, Denmark, from 28 July 2012 to 04 August 2012. It is organized by Paolo DiVecchia and Dhrubaditya Mitra.

Further information

Openings at Nordita

Visiting PhD student Fellowships 2012

The visiting PhD student program at Nordita is open for applications for visits during the 2012 fall term. The program, primarily intended for PhD students in the Nordic and Baltic countries, offers selected students the opportunity to spend time at Nordita and take advantage of the research environment and ongoing scientific activities at the institute and the AlbaNova University Center in Stockholm. This can, in particular, include collaboration on research projects with Nordita academic staff and participation in Nordita Scientific Programs in areas of interest for the students. Visiting PhD fellows may also be interested in taking PhD-level courses offered at Stockholm area universities.

Apply online:
Application deadline: June 1, 2012

Current and upcoming Nordita Programs

Biology and Physics of Information Processing

April 16 ? May 11, 2012

In this program we gather scientists working on the subject to study: (a) Techniques and algorithms that are developed using statistical mechanics to process high dimensional data. These include, but are not restricted to, various exact and approximate algorithms used for ?tting statistical models, Bayesian inference and sampling methods. (b) The biology of information processing in organisms, importantly in large scale neuronal networks. This part involves both experimental and theoretical work. (c) The application of statistical mechanics techniques for analyzing high-throughput experimental data collected form neuronal and genetic networks and the implementation of learning and inference algorithms in biological systems

Coordinators: John Hertz, Peter Latham, Yasser Roudi

Origin of Mass 2012

28 May ? 22 June 2012

The program is dedicated to the present and future phenomenological impact of the first years of results from the Large Hadron Collider experiments at CERN. The aim is to have a very active scientific environment with theorists and experimentalists discussing the latest results and investigating future directions.

Coordinators: Paolo Di Vecchia, Sten Hellman, Francesco Sannino, Kimmo Tuominen, Chris Kouvaris, Claudio Pica

Topological States of Matter: Insulators, Superconductors, and Quantum Hall Liquid

30 July ? 25 August 2012

Topological states of matter, such as topological insulators, topological superconductors, and quantum Hall liquids, are of great recent interest, both theoretically and experimentally. The purpose of this program is to gather experts on these different types of topological states, to discuss recent developments and create an exciting atmosphere where we can come up with new ideas.

Coordinators: Eddy Ardonne, Annica Black-Schaffer, Hans Hansson

All upcoming Nordita programs

Upcoming Conferences and Schools

The Evolution of Protoplanetary Disks and their Coupling to Central Stars

23 May 2012

The purpose of the meeting is to explore common interests in the area of protoplanetary disks evolution in young solar systems and discuss possible Nordita initiatives to support further collaboration.

Statistical Mechanics of Unsatisfiability and Glasses

May 23 ? 26, 2012

The two main issues for this meeting are 'unsatisfiability' or in computer science language max-K-SAT problems and their variants, and glasses, where for the dynamical properties and real examples the low-lying energy landscape structure defines the physics. The meeting aims to extend the reach of statistical mechanics from satisfiability to unsatisfiability, and the eventual connection to glasses.

Coordinators: Mikko Alava, Erik Aurell, Ralf Eichhorn, Pekka Orponen

Conference on the Origin of Mass 2012

June 11 ? 17, 2012

The conference is part of the program Origin of Mass 2012. It is the third in a series of meetings organized with the main aim of bringing together experts working at the frontier of research on the origin of bright and dark matter in particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology.

Coordinators: Paolo Di Vecchia, Francesco Sannino, Sten Hellman, Kimmo Tuominen, Claudio Pica, Chris Kouvaris

Non-locality: Aspects and Consequences

June 27 ? 29, 2012

The workshop focuses on non-locality in quantum foundations, quantum information, and quantum gravity, including string theory and emergent gravity. The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers working on various aspects of non-locality, to identify commonalities as well as differences in the role non-locality plays in different approaches to a fundamental description of space, time and matter.

Coordinator: Sabine Hossenfelder

13th Marcel Grossmann Meeting

1?7 July 2012

The Thirteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field Theory will take place at Stockholm University and AlbaNova in Stockholm, Sweden. Nordita is one of the sponsors of this international conference.

Nordita Mater Class in Physics 2012

28 July ? 4 August 2012

The traditional Nordita one-week summer school in physics for students from the Nordic and Baltic countries will be organized this year in Danhostel Hillerød; Nordisk Lejrskole & Kursuscenter in Hillerød, a picturesque town north of Copenhagen, Denmark. The school aims at introducing frontier areas of physics research by world top scientists at a level understandable for undergraduate students, and also to stimulate further studies. It gives a unique opportunity for students to learn the newest most exciting developments in theoretical physics and to work together with other Nordic/Baltic students.

Coordinators: Dhrubaditya Mitra, Paolo Di Vecchia

Astrophysics Code Comparison Workshop

6?10 August 2012

Owing to their large length scales and small viscosities, astrophysical objects are often observed to be turbulent. Given that laboratory experiments are usually not available and analytical techniques are very limited, numerical simulations become the most valuable tool to study these complicated systems. By bringing together renowned experts from around the world, some of the goals of this workshop are to provide a suit of clear and simple test cases, and find ways to improve existing numerical algorithms.

Coordinators: Chi-Kwan Chan, Dhrubaditya Mitra, & Axel Brandenburg

Science news from Nordita

The generation of large-scale magnetic fields in the Sun is generally ascribed to the α effect, a pseudo-scalar composed of the dot product of angular velocity (Ω, an axial vector) and the gradients (polar vectors) of density ρ and turbulence intensity u. But what is the relative importance of density and turbulence intensity? Two different proposals have been around, Ω.∇ln(ρu) put forward by Steenbeck, Krause, & Rädler (1966) and Ω.∇ln(ρSu) with S=3/2 suggested by Rüdiger & Kitchatinov (1992).

During the last Informal discussion on magnetic fields in the Universe on 30 April, Axel Brandenburg from Nordita's astrophysis group offerred a bottle of wine to the person able to figure out which, if any, is right. On May 8 the prize went to Oliver Gressel, pictured above receiving a 2003 Spätburgunder Beerenauslese. His result was Ω.∇ln(ρu3) for his supernova-driven turbulence simulations, which Axel subsequently confirmed via completely independent simulations. This result is now keeping the members and visitors of the AstroDyn project busy, because they know that in the solar convection zone ρu3 is approximately constant! Whether the α effect therefore really vanishes in the convection zone will hopefully soon be clarified.

Nordita Board meeting

The next Nordita Board meeting will take place in Oslo on May 24 - 25, 2012.

Nordita preprints

→ Link to electronic preprints:

The following preprints have been posted to the Nordita on-line archive since the last newsletter issue:

"Semiclassical correlation functions of Wilson loops and local vertex operators"
R. Hernandez
"Multi-parametric R-matrix for the sl(2|1) Yangian"
A. Babichenko and A. Torrielli
"OPE in large-N_c QCD from integrability"
Changrim Ahn, Omar Foda and Rafael I. Nepomechie
"Spectral dimension of trees with a unique infinite spine"
Sigurdur Örn Stefánsson, Stefan Zohren
"Magnetic twist: a source and property of space weather"
Jörn Warnecke, Axel Brandenburg and Dhruba Mitra
submitted to Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate
"Active region formation through the negative effective magnetic pressure instability"
K. Kemel, A. Brandenburg, N. Kleeorin, D. Mitra, I. Rogachevskii
Solar Phys., submitted
"Cosmic ray current-driven turbulence and mean-field dynamo effect"
I. Rogachevskii, N. Kleeorin, A. Brandenburg, D. Eichler
Astrophys. J. (submitted)
"On nonlinearity of p-brane dynamics"
A.A. Zheltukhin
Proceedings of the XXIX Max Born Symposium: "Super, Quantum & Twistors II", Wroclaw, Poland, 28-30 June 2011, to appear in the International Journal of Geometric Methods Modern Physics Vol. 9, No. 6 (
"Multi-orbital bosons in bipartite optical lattices"
Jani-Petri Martikainen and Jonas Larson
"Particle sorting by a structured microfluidic ratchet device with tunable selectivity: Theory and Experiment"
Lukas Bogunovic, Ralf Eichhorn, Jan Regtmeier, Dario Anselmetti, Peter Reimann
Soft Matter 8, 3900 (2012)
"Half-maximal supergravity in three dimensions: supergeometry, differential forms and algebraic structure"
J. Greitz and P.S. Howe
"Effect of Nonstationarity on Models Inferred from Neural Data"
Joanna Tyrcha, Yasser Roudi, Matteo Marslili, John Hertz
"Generalized cusp in AdS_4 x CP^3 and more one-loop results from semiclassical strings"
V. Forini, V. Giangreco M. Puletti, O. Ohlsson Sax
"Saddle-splay elasticity and field induced soliton in nematics"
O. V. Manyuhina
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24 (2012)
"Current status of turbulent dynamo theory: From large-scale to small-scale dynamos"
Axel Brandenburg, Dmitry Sokoloff, Kandaswamy Subramanian
Spa. Sci. Rev., submitted to the special issue Magnetism in the Universe
"Minimal Length Scale Scenarios for Quantum Gravity"
Sabine Hossenfelder
to be published in Living Reviews in Relativity
"Secret Symmetries in AdS/CFT"
M. de Leeuw, T. Matsumoto, S. Moriyama, V. Regelskis, A. Torrielli
Proceedings of the Nordita program `Exact Results in Gauge-String Dualities'
"Breakdown of chiral symmetry during saturation of the Tayler instability"
Bonanno, A., Brandenburg, A., Del Sordo, F., Mitra, D.
Phys. Rev. E (submitted)
"Thermal Correlators in Holographic Models with Lifshitz scaling"
Ville Keränen and Larus Thorlacius
"Variational assimilation of Lagrangian trajectories in the Mediterranean ocean Forecasting System"
J. A. U. Nilsson, S. Dobricic, N. Pinardi, P.-M. Poulain, D. Pettenuzzo
Ocean Sci., 8, 249?259 (2012)
"Topologically gauged superconformal Chern-Simons matter theories"
Ulf Gran, Jesper Greitz, Paul S. Howe and Bengt E.W. Nilsson
"Anisotropic diffusion in square lattice potentials: giant enhancement and control"
David Speer, Ralf Eichhorn, Peter Reimann
EPL 97, 60004 (2012)
"Gravitational waves from color-magnetic `mountains' in neutron stars"
K. Glampedakis, D.I. Jones, L. Samuelsson
"Separation of chiral particles in micro- or nanofluidic channels"
Sebastian Meinhardt, Jens Smiatek, Ralf Eichhorn, Friederike Schmid
Phys Rev Lett (in press)
"Alpha effect due to magnetic buoyancy instability of a horizontal magnetic layer"
Piyali Chatterjee
First Asia-Pacific Solar Physics Meeting ASI Conference Series, 2011, Vol. 2, pp 137-142 Edited by Arnab Rai Choudhuri & Dipankar Banerjee
"Induced interactions in dilute atomic gases and liquid helium mixtures"
Z. Yu and C. J. Pethick
"The Quantum Torus Chain"
M. P. Qin, J. M. Leinaas, S. Ryu, E. Ardonne, T. Xiang, D.-H. Lee

Items for Nordita News

If you have information about meetings or other items that would be useful to include in Nordita News, please send it to Anne Jifält, Nordita, email:

For back issues of the Nordita newsletter, see

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