Hall cascade with fractional magnetic helicity in neutron star crusts

by Axel Brandenburg

Run directories:

  • Fig. 1: (a), (b) [Runs II and III]
  • Fig. 2: (a), (b) [Runs a and b]
  • Fig. 3+4: (a), (b) [Runs A and B]
  • Fig. 5: (a), (b) [Runs E and c]
  • Fig. 6+7b: (Run E, same data as for Figs.5a and 9)
  • Fig. 7a: (Run A, same data as for Figs.3a and 8)
  • Fig. 10: (a), (b) [Runs D and C]
  • Fig. 12: with pdecay_comp.pro in the directory run_idl
  • Fig. 16: Runs Bz, Cz, Dz, Ez

    The run directories contain time series and spectra as text files and other secondary data as idl save files. They can be read directly with the corresponding idl routines that are in the directory run_idl. The run directories can be used to rerun the cases with the Pencil Code (https://github.com/pencil-code).

    Description: readme.txt.


    Brandenburg, A.: 2020, ``Hall cascade with fractional magnetic helicity in neutron star crusts,'' Astrophys. J., submitted (arXiv:2006.12984, ADS, HTML, PDF)

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    Axel Brandenburg
    $Date: 2020/07/20 12:42:09 $, $Author: brandenb $, $Revision: 1.6 $