Dhrubaditya Mitra

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If you want to get published, then heed this advice:
Cite your friends at least once and your enemies twice,
The editor three times, yourself at least four,
And write in a style that's intended to bore.
If you want to get published, here's what you do
Above all: don't come up with any thing new.

J.E. Cohen in Absolute Zero Gravity.

Citations, h-index and all that

At present measurement of the productivity and creativity of scientist is an area of research in itself. The focus in on citations, and various indices that can be derived by analyzing citation data. In private discussions with other scientists I have heard opinions of all shades about the uses and abuses of citation indices. Since Spring 2012, the Swedish Research Council has asked for every paper in the list of publications to be accompanied by its citation index. To put it mildly, this is stupid and a waste of time. Here are some links you might find interesting.

If you really insist on knowing, here is my google scholar page where you can find the citations for each of my papers. Note that other search engines, e.g., ADS gives somewhat different numbers.

All my papers are available on the ArXivArXiv. (except my very first one). Previously I have been using a trick to automatically updated my list of publications from the ArXiv using the myarticle widget. I have notice that this has stopped working since last week (maybe it did stop working before but I do not generally follow my webpage). Below is a link to an ArXiV webpage which lists all the articles. (Note that the sequence in which the articles appear below is starting from the most recently updated to older ones. Which is not exactly the same sequence as the inverse sequence in publication date. )

[Loading list of my articles from Arxiv...]

If your browser does not display the list of articles, please allow javascript to operate. Remember that not all scripts are evil.

Link to ArXiV page that has all my papers using unique author identification ID.

Last modified: Wed Apr 25 22:28:32 CEST 2012