PhD Position in Gravitational Waves from the Early Turbulent Universe (Draft)

Deadline: 15 January 2020

NORDITA - The Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics

NORDITA was founded in 1957 as a Nordic institute in theoretical (atomic) physics on the premises of the Niels Bohr Institute at Copenhagen University and is since 2006 in Stockholm under the auspices of Stockholm University (SU) and the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). NORDITA is located at the AlbaNova University Center, situated in the immediate vicinity of the two universities.

The PhD student will work on the production of gravitational waves through hydromagnetic turbulence in the early universe. The PhD project will address a number of topics including

  • the generation of magnetic fields in the early universe at the end of inflation and during the electroweak phase transition,
  • the production of primordial gravitational waves and their circular polarization from the resulting magnetic stresses,
  • comparison with gravitational waves from other sources such as sound waves from the electroweak phase transition.
  • detectibility of primordial gravitational waves with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) and other facilities.

    The successful candidate will work under the supervision of Professor Axel Brandenburg at Nordita, which also enjoys close interaction with the Oskar Klein Centre. The PhD student working within this project will be formally enrolled at Stockholm University within the Department of Astronomy, but will have office space in one of the Nordita buildings. An extension to a fifth year is possible if the student takes up teaching or other duties at the department.

    Qualifications. To be eligible for the PhD position you will need to have a completed Master's exam in physics or astronomy at the starting date. Other science degrees and other types of degrees such as a Swedish civil engineering degree or a Swedish magister degree, may also make you eligible.

    Employment. The successful candidate will be supported as a PhD candidate at Nordita for 4 years. The position will start on 1 August 2020, or some other date agreed upon.

    Application. The application should include a curriculum vitae together including a list of publications, 2 letters of recommendation, a verified list of courses with grades and a motivation why the applicant wants to pursue studies for a PhD at Nordita. The application deadline is 15 January 2020. The application should be filed though our web interface. In exceptional cases, you may also send your application via e-mail to, or send it to

    AlbaNova University Center
    Attn: Axel Brandenburg
    Roslagstullsbacken 23
    10691 Stockholm

    $Date: 2019/11/22 14:30:50 $, $Author: brandenb $, $Revision: 1.6 $