Axel Brandenburg

  • Born: 7 April 1959 in Heide (Germany)
  • Abitur 1978 (Heide)

    1986 undergraduate studies in Hamburg (Germany)
    1990 PhD at Helsinki University (Finland)
    1990 post-doc at Nordita (Copenhagen, Denmark)
    1992 postdoc at NCAR/HAO (Boulder)
    1994 Assistant Professor at Nordita (Copenhagen)
    1996 Professor of Applied Mathematics at University of Newcastle (UK)
    2000 Professor of Astrophysics at Nordita (Copenhagen)
    since 2007, when Nordita moved to Stockholm: Professor of Astrophysics
    since 2014 elected member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
    2015-2018 University of Colorado (Boulder): Visiting Professor 

    $Date: 2016/01/05 14:59:08 $, $Author: brandenb $, $Revision: 1.6 $