Minutes of the PCSC meeting of 24 June 2020, 20:30 - 21:45 CEST Present: Wlad, Matthias (Chair), Nils, Wolfgang, Axel 0. Person to take the minutes: *) Axel volunteered. 1. Additions to the agenda and approval *) Axel suggested to discuss an idea to have a Pencil Code Newsletter. *) Item was accepted. *) Agenda was approved. 2. Discussion on upcoming Pencil Code User Meeting (PCUM) *) status reports on slope-limited diffusion, GPU development, coupling Pencil Code with other codes, multiple special modules *) Code cleanup (deprecating old items, e.g. old fftpack) *) Recognize code duplication *) Discussion/recommendation about HDF5 as default I/O scheme *) Matthias is in touch with Simon about these items. 3. Information about addition of new developers by owners The list of committers (assembled by Axel) is on: https://www.nordita.org/~brandenb/pencil-code/PCSC/ Comments were voiced that it is not fully up-to-date. It was *decided* to move this list (including all PCSC material) under pencil-code/license, because this directory already contains related material. Owners who add new committers should identify themselves in the list. 4. DOI for the Pencil Code and incompatibility between the GPL license of the Pencil Code and that used by zenodo. *) Axel issued a comment to zenodo a little over 24h ago. (They corrected it the following day to "GPL v2.0 or later".) *) Wolfgang was not sure a DOI is appropriate for a code. Referring to the SHA-1 with the date should be sufficient. It was *decided* to await the response from Zenodo. The PCSC has has been informed about Zenodo's positive response. 5. Pencil Code paper: does the GAFD special issue satisfy the goal? *) A dedicated paper with limited space is now out of the question *) Matthias said that the manual is actually the best venue to discuss code properties and behavior. *) It was *decided* that the manual should be given a DOI during the next PCUM (Axel to run a demonstration) after some clean-up. 6. Discussion on ethic behavior regarding newly developed code *) Matthias reviewed the fact that, technically, pieces of code that are committed can be used freely by everybody for work and publications. *) It was discussed whether or not it is ethical for the scientist writing a new paper to invite the respective code developer onto the paper. *) Nils noted that this possibly conflicts with the Vancouver agreement. http://www.codex.vr.se/en/etik2.shtml *) Nils summarized the 3 options. (i) just use the code, (ii) invite as coauthor, (iii) to inform developer of paper activity *) It was *decided* that Matthias drafts a proposal on (iii) for the manual to be discussed at the next PCUM. 7. Gus Augustson, the AAS data officer, is invited to explain the AAS data policy at the next PCUM. This proposal was welcome. 8. Matthias informed that this was likely the last meeting of the current composition of the committee. He informed about the election procedure of the new committee. The list of voters exists and those people need to be asked whether they would be willing to serve if selected. Axel also raised concerns about a low fraction of female owners. It was agreed to promote women's role in the Pencil Code community whenever possible. 9. Pencil Code Newsletter. The purpose would be to inform the community about latest developments, recent papers using the code (1 paragraph maximum per paper). It could also include relevant job opportunities. *) Axel volunteered as the first editor, Matthias volunteered as assistant *) It was *decided* to make it in PDF format, so pictures can be included. *) It was *decided* to aim for about 3 issues per year, with 1 month notification to submit contributions and a 1 week reminder. It will be sent to the owners before publishing it. *) It was *decided* to attempt a first issue by the time of the PCUM. It may be short (just 2 pages). 10. The meeting closed at 21:45, but was followed by an informal discussion about possible security issues with zoom, and whether the fact that we (e.g. Aalto or Stockholm University) use European servers mitigates security concerns. $Id: 2020_06_24.txt,v 1.13 2020/06/27 06:31:12 brandenb Exp $