C. Conference proceedings

86. Kahniashvili, T., Brandenburg, A., Kosowsky, A., Mandal, S., & Roper Pol, A.: 2020, “Magnetism in the early universe,” in Astronomy in Focus, Vol. 14, ed. M. T. Lago, ed., Proc. IAU Symp. A30, pp. 295–298 (arXiv:1810.11876, ADS, DOI, HTML, C/2020/Kahn_etal20)
85. Warnecke, & Brandenburg, A.: 2014, “Coronal influence on dynamos,” in Magnetic fields throughout stellar evolution, ed. M. Jardine, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 302, pp. 134–137 (arXiv:1310.0787, ADS, DOI, C/2014/Warn+Bran14)
84. Candelaresi, S., & Brandenburg, A.: 2013, “Topological constraints on magnetic field relaxation,” in Solar and astrophysical dynamos and magnetic activity, ed. A. Kosovichev, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 294, pp. 353–357 (arXiv:1212.0879, ADS, DOI, C/2013/Cand_etal13)
83. Käpylä, P. J., Brandenburg, A., Kleeorin, N., Mantere, M. J., & Rogachevskii, I.: 2013, “Flux concentrations in turbulent convection,” in Solar and astrophysical dynamos and magnetic activity, ed. A. Kosovichev, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 294, pp. 283–288 (arXiv:1211.2962, ADS, DOI, C/2013/Kapy_etal13b)
82. Warnecke, J., Käpylä, P. J., Mantere, M. J., & Brandenburg, A.: 2013, “Solar-like differential rotation and equatorward migration in a convective dynamo with a coronal envelope,” in Solar and astrophysical dynamos and magnetic activity, ed. A. Kosovichev, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 294, pp. 307–312 (arXiv:1211.0452, ADS, DOI, C/2013/Warn_etal13c)
81. Candelaresi, S., & Brandenburg, A.: 2012, “Magnetic helicity fluxes and their effect on stellar dynamos,” in Comparative Magnetic Minima: Characterizing quiet times in the Sun and stars, ed. C. H. Mandrini & D. F. Webb, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 286, pp. 49–53 (arXiv:1111.2023, ADS, DOI, C/2012/Cand+Bran12)
80. Warnecke, J., Käpylä, P. J., Mantere, M. J., & Brandenburg, A.: 2012, “Coronal ejections from convective spherical shell dynamos,” in Comparative Magnetic Minima: Characterizing quiet times in the Sun and stars, ed. C. H. Mandrini & D. F. Webb, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 286, pp. 154–158 (arXiv:1111.1763, ADS, DOI, C/2012/Warn_etal12)
79. Del Sordo, F., Bonanno, A., Brandenburg, A., & Mitra, D.: 2012, “Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in the Tayler instability,” in Comparative Magnetic Minima: Characterizing quiet times in the Sun and stars, ed. C. H. Mandrini & D. F. Webb, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 286, pp. 65–69 (arXiv:1111.1742, ADS, DOI, C/2012/DSor_etal12)
78. Del Sordo, F., & Brandenburg, A.: 2011, “How can vorticity be produced in irrotationally forced flows?” in Advances in Plasma Astrophysics, ed. A. Bonanno, E. de Gouveia dal Pino, & A. Kosovichev, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 274, pp. 373–375 (arXiv:1012.4772, ADS, DOI, C/2011/DSor+Bran11)
77. Kemel, K., Brandenburg, A., Kleeorin, N., & Rogachevskii, I.: 2011, “Turbulent magnetic pressure instability in stratified turbulence,” in Advances in Plasma Astrophysics, ed. A. Bonanno, E. de Gouveia dal Pino, & A. Kosovichev, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 274, pp. 473–475 (arXiv:1012.4360, ADS, DOI, C/2011/Kem+Bran+Klee+Roga11_naxos)
76. Candelaresi, S., & Brandenburg, A.: 2011, “Magnetic helicity fluxes in alpha–Omega dynamos,” in Advances in Plasma Astrophysics, ed. A. Bonanno, E. de Gouveia dal Pino, & A. Kosovichev, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 274, pp. 464–466 (arXiv:1012.4354, ADS, DOI, C/2011/Cand+Bran11_naxos)
75. Warnecke, J., Brandenburg, A., & Mitra, D.: 2011, “Plasmoid ejections driven by dynamo action underneath a spherical surface,” in Advances in Plasma Astrophysics, ed. A. Bonanno, E. de Gouveia dal Pino, & A. Kosovichev, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 274, pp. 306–309 (arXiv:1011.4299, ADS, DOI, C/2011/Warn+Bran+Mitra11b)
74. Candelaresi, S., Del Sordo, F., & Brandenburg, A.: 2011, “Decay of trefoil and other magnetic knots,” in Advances in Plasma Astrophysics, ed. A. Bonanno, E. de Gouveia dal Pino, & A. Kosovichev, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 274, pp. 461–463 (arXiv:1011.0417, ADS, DOI, C/2011/Cand+DSor+Bran11_naxos)
73. Cantiello, M., Braithwaite, J., Brandenburg, A., Del Sordo, F., Käpylä, P., & Langer, N.: 2011, “Turbulence and magnetic spots at the surface of hot massive stars,” in Physics of Sun and Star Spots, ed. D. P. Choudhary & K. G. Strassmeier, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 273, pp. 200–203 (arXiv:1010.2498, ADS, DOI, C/2011/Cantiello_etal11b)
72. Kemel, K., Brandenburg, A., Kleeorin, N., & Rogachevskii, I.: 2011, “The negative magnetic pressure effect in stratified turbulence,” in Physics of Sun and Star Spots, ed. D. P. Choudhary & K. G. Strassmeier, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 273, pp. 83–88 (arXiv:1010.1659, ADS, DOI, C/2011/Kem+Rran+Klee+Roga11)
71. Warnecke, J., & Brandenburg, A.: 2011, “Dynamo generated field emergence through recurrent plasmoid ejections,” in Physics of Sun and Star Spots, ed. D. P. Choudhary & K. G. Strassmeier, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 273, pp. 256–260 (arXiv:1010.0218, ADS, C/2011/Warn+Bran11b)
70. Cantiello, M., Braithwaite, J., Brandenburg, A., Del Sordo, F., Käpylä, P., & Langer, N.: 2011, “3D MHD simulations of subsurface convection in OB stars,” in Active OB stars: structure, evolution, mass loss and critical limits, ed. C. Neiner, G. Wade, G. Meynet, & G. Peters, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 272, pp. 32–37 (arXiv:1009.4462, ADS, DOI, C/2011/Cantiello_etal11a)
69. Del Sordo, F., & Brandenburg, A.: 2011, “Vorticity from irrotationally forced flow,” in Astrophysical Dynamics: from Stars to Galaxies, ed. N. Brummell, A. S. Brun, M. S. Miesch, & Y. Ponty, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 271, pp. 375–376 (arXiv:1009.0147, ADS, DOI, C/2011/DSor+Bran11)
68. Candelaresi, S., Del Sordo, F., & Brandenburg, A.: 2011, “Influence of Magnetic Helicity in MHD,” in Astrophysical Dynamics: from Stars to Galaxies, ed. N. Brummell, A. S. Brun, M. S. Miesch, & Y. Ponty, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 271, pp. 369–370 (arXiv:1008.5235, ADS, DOI, C/2010/Cand+DSor+Bran10)
67. Warnecke, J., & Brandenburg, A.: 2011, “Recurrent flux emergence from dynamo-generated fields,” in Astrophysical Dynamics: from Stars to Galaxies, ed. N. Brummell, A. S. Brun, M. S. Miesch, & Y. Ponty, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 271, pp. 407–408 (arXiv:1008.5278, ADS, C/2010/Warn+Bran10)
66. Mitra, D., Tavakol, R., Brandenburg, A., & Käpylä, P. J.: 2010, “Oscillatory migratory large-scale fields in mean-field and direct simulations,” in Solar and Stellar Variability: Impact on Earth and Planets, Vol. 264, ed. A. Kosovichev et al., CUP, pp. 197–201 (ADS, C/2010/Mitra_etal10)
65. Brandenburg, A., & Del Sordo, F.: 2010, “Turbulent diffusion and galactic magnetism,” in Magnetic Fields in Diffuse Media, ed. E. de Gouveia Dal Pino, Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 15, CUP, pp. 432–433 (arXiv:0910.0072, ADS, DOI, C/2009/Bran+DSor09)
64. Gustafsson, M., Brandenburg, A., Lemaire, J. L., & Field, D.: 2007, “Probing turbulence in OMC1 at the star forming scale: observations and simulations,” in Triggered Star Formation in a Turbulent ISM, ed. B. G. Elmegreen & J. Palous, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 237, pp. 183–187 (C/2007/Gustafsson_etal07)
63. Brandenburg, A.: 2006, “Why coronal mass ejections are necessary for the dynamo, JD-8,” in Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 14, ed. K. G. Strassmeier & A. Kosovichev, CUP, in press (astro-ph/0701056, ADS, C/2007/Bran07_cycle)
62. Brandenburg, A., & Käpylä, P. J.: 2006, “Connection between active longitudes and magnetic helicity,” in Solar activity: exploration, understanding and prediction, ed. H. Lundstedt, ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, in press (astro-ph/0512639)
61. Brandenburg, A.: 2006, “Distributed versus tachocline dynamos,” in Solar activity: exploration, understanding and prediction, ed. H. Lundstedt, ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, in press (astro-ph/0512638)
60. Brandenburg, A.: 2006, “Location of the solar dynamo and near-surface shear,” in Solar MHD: Theory and Observations – a High Spatial Resolution Perspective, ed. J. W. Leibacher, H. Uitenbroek, & R. F. Stein, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., Vol. 354, pp. 121–126 (astro-ph/0512637, ADS, C/2006/Bran06_SacPeak)
59. Brandenburg, A., Käpylä, P., & Mohammed, A.: 2005, “Passive scalar diffusion as a damped wave,” in Progress in Turbulence, ed. J. Peinke, A. Kittel, S. Barth, & M. Oberlack, Springer-Verlag, pp. 3–6 (physics/0404118)
58. von Rekowski, B., & Brandenburg, A.: 2004, “Structured, dynamo driven stellar and disc winds,” in Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae III: Winds, Structure and the Thunderbird, ed. M. Meixner, J. H. Kastner, B. Balick & N. Soker, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., Vol. 313, pp. 476–479 (astro-ph/0310398, ADS
57. Hindmarsh, M., Christensson, M., & Brandenburg, A.: 2003, “Decay of magnetic fields in the early universe,” in Strong and Electroweak Matter, ed. M. G. Schmidt, World Scientific, Singapore, in press (astro-ph/0302320, ADS
56. Hindmarsh, M., Christensson, M., & Brandenburg, A.: 2003, “MHD inverse cascade in the early Universe,” in COSMO-01, ed. , , in press (astro-ph/0201466
55. Dintrans, B., Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å., & Stein, R. F.: 2003, “On the generation of internal gravity waves by penetrative convection,” in SF2A-2003: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Française, ed. F. Combes, D. Barret, & T. Contini, EdP-Sciences, Conference Series, pp. 511–514 (ADS)
54. Dintrans, B., & Brandenburg, A.: 2003, “The analytic subspace to measure internal gravity waves in hydrosimulations,” in SF2A-2003: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Française, ed. F. Combes, D. Barret, & T. Contini, EdP-Sciences, Conference Series, pp. 243–244
53. Dintrans, B., Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å., & Stein, R. F.: 2003, “Stochastic excitation of internal gravity waves by overshooting convection,” in SF2A-2003: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Française, ed. F. Combes, D. Barret, & T. Contini, EdP-Sciences, Conference Series, pp. 216–219
52. Brandenburg, A., & Blackman, E. G.: 2002, “Magnetic helicity and the solar dynamo,” in Solar variability: from core to outer frontiers, ed. A. Wilson, ESA SP-506, Volume 2, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, pp. 805–810 (ADS, C/2002/Bran+Black02)
51. Brandenburg, A.: 2002, “Numerical simulations of turbulent dynamos,” in Highlights of Astronomy, ed. D. Moss, R. Beck, & A. Shukurov, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., Vol. 12, pp. 742–744 (astro-ph/0010495, ADS
50. Saar, S. H., & Brandenburg, A.: 2001, “Further analysis of stellar magnetic cycle periods,” in Magnetic Fields across the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram, ed. G. Mathys, S.K. Solanki, & D.T. Wickramasinghe, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., Vol. 248, pp. 231–234 (astro-ph/0105070, ADS
49. Torkelsson, U., Ogilvie, G. I., Brandenburg, A., Pringle, J. E., Nordlund, Å., & Stein, R. F.: 2001, “Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in warped accretion discs,” in 20th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, ed. J. C. Wheeler & H. Martel, American Institute of Physics (AIP) Press, pp. 681–686 (astro-ph/0103057, ADS
48. Brandenburg, A., & Kerr, R. M.: 2001, “Helicity in hydro and MHD reconnection,” in Quantized Vortex Dynamics and Superfluid Turbulence, ed. C. F. Barenghi, R. J. Donnelly, & W. F. Vinen, Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 571, Springer Verlag, pp. 358–365 (physics/0012210, ADS, C/2001/Kerr+Bran01)
47. Bigazzi, A., Brandenburg, A., & Subramanian, K.: 2001, “Sheared helical turbulence and the helicity constraint in large-scale dynamos,” in Dynamo and dynamics, a mathematical challenge, ed. P. Chossat, D. Armbruster, & O. Iuliana, Nato ASI Series 26, Kluwer Publ., pp. 117–124 (astro-ph/0012240
46. von Rekowski, B., Dobler, W., Shukurov, A., & Brandenburg, A.: 2001, “Two-dimensional disk dynamos with vertical outflows into a halo,” in Dynamo and dynamics, a mathematical challenge, ed. P. Chossat, D. Armbruster, & O. Iuliana, Nato ASI Series 26, Kluwer Publ., pp. 305–312 (astro-ph/0012013
45. Kerr, R. M., & Brandenburg, A.: 2000, “New tests for a singularity of ideal MHD,” unpublished (physics/0001016, ADS, C/2000/Kerr+Bran00)
44. Brandenburg, A.: 2000, “The dynamo effect in stars,” in Pacific Rim Conference, ed. K. S. Cheng, H. F. Chau, K. L. Chan, & K. C. Leung, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, pp. 1–8 (ADS, C/2000/Bran00)
43. Torkelsson, U., Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å., & Stein, R. F.: 2000, “Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in accretion discs,” in Highly Energetic Physical Processes and Mechanisms for Emission from Astrohysical Plasmas, ed. P. C. H. Martens & S. Tsuruta, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., Vol. 195, pp. 241–242
42. Dobler, W., Brandenburg, A., & Shukurov, A.: 1999, “Pressure-driven outflow and magneto-centrifugal wind from a dynamo active disc,” in Plasma Turbulence and Energetic Particles in Astrophysics, ed. M. Ostrowski & R. Schlickeiser, Publ. Astron. Obs. Jagiellonian Univ., Cracow, pp. 347–352 (ADS, C/1999/Dobl+Bran+Shuk99)
41. Stein, R. F., Georgobiani, D., Bercik, D. J., Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å.: 1999, “Magneto-convection,” in Stellar Structure: Theory and Tests of Convective Energy Transport, ed. A. Gimenez, E. F. Guinan & B. Montesinos, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., Vol. 173, pp. 193–193 (ADS, C/1999/Stein_etal99)
40. Brandenburg, A.: 1999, “Simulations and observations of stellar dynamos: evidence for a magnetic alpha-effect,” in Stellar dynamos: nonlinearity and chaotic flows, ed. M. Núñez & A. Ferriz-Mas, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., Vol. 178, pp. 13–21 (ADS, C/1999/Bran99_FerrizMas)
39. Korpi, M. J., Brandenburg, A., Shukurov, A. & Tuominen, I.: 1999, “A local three-dimensional model of the supernova regulated ISM,” in A. R. Taylor, T. L. Landecker, & G. Joncas, ed. New Perspectives on the Interstellar Medium, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., Vol. 168, pp. 445–448 (ADS, C/1999/Korpi_etal99_ASP)
38. Torkelsson, U., Ogilvie, G. I., Brandenburg, A., Pringle, J. E., Nordlund, Å., & Stein, R. F.: 1999, “The dynamics of turbulent viscosity,” in High Energy Processes in Accreting Black Holes, ed. J. Poutanen & R. Svensson, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., Vol. 161, pp. 422–427 (ADS, C/1999/Torkel_etal99_ASP)
37. Korpi, M. J., Brandenburg, A., Shukurov, A. & Tuominen, I.: 1999, “Vortical motions driven by supernova explosions,” in J. Franco & A. Carramiñana, ed. Interstellar Turbulence, Cambridge University Press, pp. 127–131 (ADS)
36. Torkelsson, U., Ogilvie, G. I., Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å., Stein, R. F.: 1998, “Exploring magnetohydrodynamic turbulence on the computer,” in Accretion processes in astrophysical systems: Some like it hot, ed. S. S. Holt & T. R. Kallman, American Institute of Physics Conf. Proc., pp. 69–72 (ADS)
35. Torkelsson, U., Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å., Stein, R. F.: 1997, “Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in accretion discs: towards more realistic models,” in Accretion phenomena and related outflows, IAU Coll. 163, ed. D. T. Wickramasinghe, G. V. Bicknell & L. Ferrario, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., Col. 121, pp. 210–214 (ADS, C/1997/Tork+Bran+Nord+Stein97)
34. Torkelsson, U., Ogilvie, G. I., Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å., Stein, R. F.: 1997, “The nonlinear evolution of a single mode of the magnetic shearing instability,” in Accretion disks - New aspects, ed. H. Spruit, & E. Meyer-Hofmeister, Springer-Verlag, pp. 134–153 (C/1997/Tork+Ogil+Bran+Nord+Stein97)
33. Miesch, M., Brandenburg, A., Zweibel, E., & Toomre, J.: 1995, “Non-local transport in turbulent MHD convection,” in Proceedings of Fourth SOHO Workshop: Helioseismology, ed. ESA SP-376, Volume 2, Pacific Grove, California, pp. 253–260 (ADS, C/1995/Miesch+Bran+Zwei+Toom95)
32. Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å., Stein, R. F., Torkelsson, U.: 1995, “Dynamo generated turbulence is discs,” in Small-scale structures in three-dimensional hydro and magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, ed. M. Meneguzzi, A. Pouquet, & P. L. Sulem, Lecture Notes in Physics 462, Springer-Verlag, pp. 385–390
31. Brandenburg, A.: 1994, “Generation of field-aligned current tubes in magnetospheric shear layers,” in Second International Conference on Substorms, ed. J. R. Kan, J. D. Craven & S.-I. Akasofu, Geophysical Institute, pp. 409–411
30. Keppens, R., Charbonneau, P., MacGregor, K. B., Brandenburg, A.: 1994, “Angular momentum loss from the young sun: improved wind and dynamo models,” in Eighth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, ed. J.-P. Caillault, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., Vol. 64, pp. 193–195 (ADS, C/1994/KCMGB94)
29. Saar, S. H., Brandenburg, A., Donahue, R. A., & Baliunas, S. L.: 1994, “The evolution of stellar dynamo variations,” in Eighth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, ed. J.-P. Caillault, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., Vol. 64, pp. 468–470 (ADS, C/1994/SBDBR94)
28. Brandenburg, A., Charbonneau, P., Kitchatinov, L. L., & Rüdiger, G.: 1994, “Stellar Dynamos: The Rossby number dependence,” in Eighth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, ed. J.-P. Caillault, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., Vol. 64, pp. 354–356 (ADS, C/1994/BCKR94)
27. Brandenburg, A., Saar, S. H., Moss, D., Tuominen, I.: 1994, “Stellar dynamo models: from F to K,” in Eighth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, ed. J.-P. Caillault, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., Vol. 64, pp. 357–359 (ADS, C/1994/BSMT94)
26. Kurths, J., Feudel, U., Brandenburg, A.: 1994, “Complexity in inhomogeneous chaotic systems,” in The Paradigm of Self-Organization II Ed. G. J. Dalenoort, Gordon & Breach, Ser. Studies in Cybernetics 24, 1994, p. 157–170.
25. Brandenburg, A., Procaccia, I., Segel, D., Vincent, A., Manzini, M.: 1993, “Multifractality, near-singularities and the role of stretching in turbulence,” in Solar and Planetary Dynamos, ed. M. R. E. Proctor, P. C. Matthews & A. M. Rucklidge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 35–42 (ADS)
24. Moss, D., Brandenburg, A.: 1993, “The excitation of nonaxisymmetric magnetic fields in galaxies,” in Solar and Planetary Dynamos, ed. M. R. E. Proctor, P. C. Matthews & A. M. Rucklidge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 219–224 (ADS)
23. Pulkkinen, P., Tuominen, I., Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å. & Stein, R.F.: 1993, “Reynolds stresses derived from simulations,” in The Cosmic Dynamo, ed. F. Krause, K.-H. Rädler, & G. Rüdiger, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, pp. 123–127 (ADS, C/1993/PTB93)
22. Kurths, J., Brandenburg, A., Feudel, U., Jansen, W.: 1993, “Chaos in nonlinear dynamo models,” in The Cosmic Dynamo, ed. F. Krause, K.-H. Rädler, & G. Rüdiger, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, pp. 83–89 (ADS, C/1993/KBFJ93)
21. Donner, K. J., Brandenburg, A., Thomasson, M.: 1993, “Galactic dynamos and dynamics,” in The Cosmic Dynamo, ed. F. Krause, K.-H. Rädler, & G. Rüdiger, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, pp. 333–337 (ADS, C/1993/DBT93)
20. Moss, D., Brandenburg, A., Donner, K. J., Thomasson, M.: 1993, “Towards the magnetic field of M81,” in The Cosmic Dynamo, ed. F. Krause, K.-H. Rädler, & G. Rüdiger, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, pp. 339–343 (ADS, C/1993/MBDT93)
19. Brandenburg, A., Moss, D., Tuominen, I.: 1992, “Turbulent pumping in the solar dynamo,” in The Solar Cycle, ed. K. L. Harvey, ASP Conf. Series, Vol. 27, pp. 536–542 (ADS, C/1992/Bran+Moss+Tuom92_pump)
18. Stein, R.F., Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å.: 1992, “Magneto-Convection,” in Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, ed. M. S. Giampapa & J. A. Bookbinder, ASP Conf. Series, Vol. 26, pp. 148–157 (ADS, C/1992/Stein+Bran+Nord92)
17. Brandenburg, A., Jennings, R. L., Nordlund, Å., Stein, R.F.: 1991, “Magnetic flux tubes as coherent structures,” in Spontaneous formation of space-time structures and criticality, ed. T. Riste & D. Sherrington, Nato ASI Series, pp. 371–374
16. Brandenburg, A., Moss, D., Rieutord, M., Rüdiger, G., Tuominen, I.: 1991, “alpha–Lambda dynamos,” in The Sun and cool stars: activity, magnetism, dynamos, IAU Coll. 130, ed. I. Tuominen, D. Moss & G. Rüdiger, Lecture Notes in Physics 380, Springer-Verlag, pp. 147–150 (ADS, C/1991/BMRRT91)
15. Pulkkinen, P., Tuominen, I., Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å., Stein, R.F.: 1991, “Simulation of rotational effects on turbulence in the solar convective zone,” in The Sun and cool stars: activity, magnetism, dynamos, ed. I. Tuominen, D. Moss & G. Rüdiger, Lecture Notes in Physics 380, Springer-Verlag, pp. 98–100 (ADS, C/1991/PTBNS91)
14. Jennings, R. L., Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å., Stein, R.F., Tuominen, I.: 1991, “Magnetic tubes in overshooting compressible convection,” in The Sun and cool stars: activity, magnetism, dynamos, IAU Coll. 130, eds. I. Tuominen, D. Moss & G. Rüdiger, Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer-Verlag, pp. 92-94 (ADS, C/1991/JBNST91)
13. Brandenburg, A., Jennings, R. L., Nordlund, Å., Stein, R. F., Tuominen, I.: 1991, “The role of overshoot in solar activity: A direct simulation of the dynamo,” in The Sun and cool stars: activity, magnetism, dynamos, ed. I. Tuominen, D. Moss & G. Rüdiger, Lecture Notes in Physics 380, Springer-Verlag, pp. 86–88 (ADS, C/1991/BJNST91)
12. Tuominen, I., Piskunov, N. E., Moss, D., Brandenburg, A.: 1990, “Surface imaging of giant stars and nonlinear dynamos,” in Sixth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, ed. G. Wallerstein, ASP Conf. Series, Vol. 9, pp. 73–75
11. Donner, K. J., Brandenburg, A.: 1990, “Effect of a conducting halo on the structure of galactic magnetic fields,” in Proc. Nordic-Baltic Astronomy Meeting, ed. C.-I. Lagerkvist, D. Kiselman & M. Lindgren, Uppsala Univ. (Sweden), Astronomiska Observatoriet, pp. 85–88 (ADS)
10. Tuominen, I., Rüdiger, G., Brandenburg, A.: 1990, “Torsional oscillations and the solar dynamo regime,” in Solar Photosphere: Structure, Convection and Magnetic Fields, ed. J. O. Stenflo, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, pp. 387–390 (ADS, C/1990/TRB90)
9. Brandenburg, A., Meinel, R., Moss, D., Tuominen, I.: 1990, “Variation of even and odd parity in solar dynamo models,” in Solar Photosphere: Structure, Convection and Magnetic Fields, ed. J. O. Stenflo, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, pp. 379–382 (ADS, C/1990/Bran+Mein+Moss+Tuom90)
8. Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å., Pulkkinen, P., Stein, R.F., Tuominen, I.: 1990, “Turbulent diffusivities derived from simulations,” in Proceedings of the Finnish Astronomical Society 1990, eds. K. Muinonen, M. Kokko, S. Pohjolainen, and P. Hakala, Helsinki 1990, p. 1-4 (ADS, C/1990/Bran+Nord+Pulkk+Stei+Tuom90)
7. Donner, K.J., Brandenburg, A.: 1990, “Non-axisymmetric magnetic fields in turbulent gas discs,” in Dynamics of Astrophysical Discs, ed. J. A. Sellwood, Cambridge University Press, p. 151-152 (ADS)
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