NORDITA   NEWS   1997 / 2                       April 1, 1997

Nordita announces the availability of funding for new Nordic projects and corresponding fellowships in 1997-98. The purpose and rules as well as application forms for these schemes are given on www at and may also be obtained by e-mail from In addition, we enclose information with this newsletter. The deadline for applications is 15 May 1997, with a decision by the NORDITA Board expected in June 1997.

Nordita welcomes Dmitri Diakonov, who on 1 March 1997 assumed the chair vacated by Ben Mottelson. Professor Diakonov comes to Nordita from the Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia. He is well known for, omongst other things, his investigations of hard processes in perturbative QCD and the instanton vacuum. His current research interests include: 1. Non-perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics: the instanton vacuum, quantum instanton interactions, non-abelian monopoles, mechanisms of colour confinement and, 2. The chiral quark-soliton model of baryons, parton distributions in the nucleon, nucleon interactions, nuclear forces, nuclear medium, and 3. Baryon number violation at high energies, temperatures and densities in electroweak interactions; semiclassical multi-particle production at high energies. Professor Diakonov has already good contacts to several Nordic institutes, and he hopes to further develop his collaboration with Nordic physicists. (

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position supported by the Danish Research Councils in connection with the creation of a center to boost the Danish astronomical community's use of the Hubble Space Telescope for astrophysical research. For further information please see the enclosed advertisement.

A professorship in theoretical high energy physics will become available as of October 1, 1997, at the Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy, Physics and Geophysics. Information about research plans, facilities and staff may be obtained from the Director, Prof. Ole Hansen, Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy, Physics, and Geophysics, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen OE, Denmark, phone: +45-35325292, fax: +45-35431087, e-mail: Homepage: Deadline: May 1, 1997.

Nordita's Board will meet on the following dates in 1997: 13 -14 June (Jyvaeskylae) and 3-5 November (Copenhagen).

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Items for Nordita News
If you have any information about meetings, etc. that would be useful to include in Nordita News, please send it to Nordita, att.: Jette Nielsen, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen OE, Denmark or by e-mail: Nordita News appears on the first day of even numbered months, and material should be sent at least 3 weeks before the publication date.



This list only includes new items. For a more complete list of conferences etc., please see the calender on the last page.

Metal-Insulator Transition in 2-Dimensional Electron Systems, Mini-Symposium
Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2-3, 1997.
The purpose of the symposium is to focus attention on and confront various views of the metal-insulator transition in two-dimensional electron systems, based on the experimental and theoretical results obtained so far. Eight invited plenary lectures will be presented by: A. Auerbach (Haifa, Israel) [not yet confirmed]; A. L. Efros (Utah, USA); R. J. Haug (Hannover, Germany); B. Huckestein (Cologne, Germany); H. W. Jiang (UCLA, USA); S. V. Kravchenko (New York, USA); L. Levy (Grenoble, France); M. Shayegan (Princeton, USA). For further information, please contact P. Alstroem , e-mail: or D. Khveshchenko (Nordita), email:

Nordic Symposium on Basic Problems in Quantum Physics
Rosendal Barony, Hardanger, Norway, June 4th-10th, 1997,
supported by NorFA, Norwegian Research Council and Universities of Oslo and Bergen.
Increasing interest in the foundations and interpretation of quantum theory has been manifested during the recent years. This is undoubtedly attributable to a large degree to the development of new experimental techniques, allowing among other things the realization of experimental situations which originally were intended only as `Gedanken' experiments by the quantum theory pioneers. In particular, the recent achievements in quantum optics deserve general attention. The philosophical implications of the increasing understanding of the quantal phenomena and their limiting cases are of interest to a vast scientific community outside of the specific physics research.

Preliminary program and topics description:
- The modern quantum systems, including ions in traps and fields,
electrons in nanostructures, Bose-Einstein condensation. etc.;
- The measurement process in quantum physics;
- Interference: Photons, particles, atoms. Quantum optics;
- Quantum computing and cryptography. Possible implications;
- Different ideas on the interpretation of quantum mechanics;
- Philosophical and cultural aspects of quantum physics.

Preliminary list of keynote speakers: Jens Bang, Copenhagen; Michael Berry, Bristol; Anton Zeilinger, Innsbruck; Ragnar Fjelland, Bergen; Yu. F. Orlov, Cornell.
For further information write to: Rosendal Symposium, Fysisk institutt, Allegaten 55, N-5007 Bergen, Norway, e-mail: or look at website :

New Frontiers in Laser-Atom Interaction
Nordic-European Summer School, Sandbjerg Manor, Denmark, 25 June - 3 July 1997
The school will introduce young researchers to a series of important new developments on the frontiers of laser-atom interactions and quantum optics, as they are explored by groups in the five Nordic countries and at leading European centers. The speakers are carefully selected among the prominent researchers in this area, based on scientific merits and pedagogical virtues, while at the same time representing and balancing research traditions of the major European schools of physics. The school can accomodate 32 participants, about half of them from Scandinavia and the other half from the rest of Europe. Preference will be given to Ph.D. students and young postdocs. The school is free of charge. The school covers three main topics: Quantum optics proper (with emphasis on squeezing); Intense laser fields; Laser induced time dependent processes. Lecturers: Y. Castin; W. Ertmer; J.P. Hansen; P.L. Knight; A. Kvaran; P. Lambropoulos; K. Moelmer; E. Polzik; J.M. Raimond; S. Schiller; S. Stenholm; K.A. Suominen; C.G. Wahlstroem; E. AAkesson. Nordic committee: S. Stenholm, Helsinki, S. Svanberg, Lund, J.P. Hansen, Bergen, A. Kvaran, Reykjavik, K. Moelmer, Aarhus, and N. Andersen, Copenhagen. Further information on school programme, location, and application forms may be obtained from the Nordic committee, the school secretary, or at website hhtp:// Scientific coordinator: Nils Andersen, e-mail:, phone: +45 3532 0469 and school secretary: Helle Job, e-mail:, phone: +45 3532 0401, Niels Bohr Institute, OErsted Laboratory, Universitetsparken 5, DK-2100 Copenhagen, fax: +45 3532 0460.

High Energy Nuclear Collisions
Summer Course on Nuclear structure functions and primary particle production in nucleus-nucleus collisions, Jyvaeskylae, Finland, August 4-15, 1997.
Topics: Collinear factorization in hard processes, hadronic structure functions, GLAP evolution, light-cone field theory, nuclear structure functions at small-x and primary particle production in nucleus-nucleus collisions. The course is intended for advanced graduate students and young post docs doing research in the field of ultrarelativistic heavy ion physics at the Brookhaven RHIC and CERN LHC energy scales. Organizers are: V. Ruuskanen, Dept. of Physics, University of Jyvaeskylae, P.O.Box 35, FIN-40351 Jyvaeskylae, FINLAND, phone: +358 -14-602 374, fax: +358 -14-602 351, email: and L. McLerran, Physics Department, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, U S A, phone: +1-612-624 7542, fax: +1-612-626-8606, email: Website:

Dynamics of Biological Systems
Nordita, Copenhagen, 29-30 August 1997
To facilitate cross-disciplinary interaction between physics and biology we are planning a two-day workshop on ``Dynamics of Biological Systems", 29-30 August 1997. The workshop will cover areas in biology which may benefit from modelling. The common theme of the meeting will be the formulation of biology in terms of dynamical processes. In particular we intend to include dynamical aspects of mutating systems, evolutionary dynamics and various network systems (genetic, chemical and ecosystems). The meeting will consist of invited talks (each about 45 minutes) and a number of short presentations (each of about 10 minutes). Participants are encouraged to submit proposals for such short presentations and/or posters. For further information, contact John Hertz (e-mail: or Kim Sneppen (e-mail:

COSMOLOGY: From COBE to Galaxy Formation
Nordita, 2 December - 5 December 1997
The conference ``Cosmology: from COBE to galaxy formation" will take place at NORDITA from Dec 2 - Dec 5 this year. It is organised by Sasha Kashlinsky and is co-sponsored by TAC and NorFA.
It is planned to bring together around 70-100 researchers from various areas in cosmology to discuss the latest developments in the field from microwave background observations (past, current and future), through large-scale structure (observational and theoretical) to galaxy formation at high redshifts. A session will be devoted to astroparticle physics. Those interested should contact Sasha Kashlinsky (, Jens Hjorth ( or Hanne Bergen ( Suggestions from the NORDIC community are welcome!



A. Timokhin, (Garching), A, present - 11.4.97, TAC
P. Monaco, (Trieste), A, present - 19.4.97, TAC
M. Bowick, P, present - 25.4.97, NBI
D. Kirilova, (Sofia), A, present - 29.4.97, TAC
A. Sedrakian, (Russia), P, present - 30.4.97, NBI
A. Beloborodov, (Moscow), A, present - 15.5.97, TAC
B. Ciardi, (Firenze), A, present - 30.6.97, TAC
C. Porciano, (Trieste), A, present - 5.7.97, TAC
L. Mclerran, ( Minnesota), present -30.7.97, NORDITA
V. Antonuccio, (Catania), A, present - 31.12.97, TAC
H. Fogedby, (Arhus), S, several visits spring, NORDITA
A. Markos, (Prague), S, one week spring, NORDITA
S. Priezzev, (Dubna), S, 2 weeks in April, NORDITA
R. Schaeffer, (Saclay), A, 14.4 - 21.4.97, TAC
D. Grasso, (Sweden), P, 3.5 - 31.5.97, NBI
D. Pierce, (SLAC), P, 4.5 - 7.5.97, NORDITA
G. Torres, (USA), A, 4.5 - 9.6.97, NBI
R. Ellis, (Cambridge), A, 12.5 - 14.5.97, TAC
J. Collins, (Penn State), P, 14.5 - 16.5.97, NORDITA
P. Naselsky, (Moscow), A, 21.5 - 1.7.97, TAC
I. Artemova, (Moscow), A, 7.6 - 17.6.97, TAC
G. Bisnovatyi-Kogan, (Moscow), A, 7.6 - 17.6.97, TAC
B. Huberman, (California), C, 9.6 - 20.6.97, NORDITA
H. Burkal Jensen, N, 15.6 - 31.8.97, NBI
M. Halpern, (USA), P, 20.6 - 30.6.97, NBI
J. Latorre, (Spain), P, 1.8 - 31.8.97, NBI
L. Kofman, (Hawai), A, 1 month summer 1997, TAC
S. Shandarin, (Kansas), A, 1 month summer 1997, TAC
Z. Berezhiani, (Georgia), A, 1 month August, TAC
S. Pastor, (Valencia), A, 3 months from August, TAC

The fields are listed after the names as: A (Astrophysics), C (Complex Systems \& Chaos), N (Nuclear Physics), P (Particle Physics), and S (Condensed Matter Physics).
If you are interested in having any of these people visit your institute, please contact NORDITA.



L. Portinari, (Padova), A, present - 1.5.97
F. De Blasio, present - end June
L. Magnea, (Torino), P, present - 1.8.97
M. Billo, (Italy), P, present - 31.10.97
P. Godzinsky, (Barcelona), N, present - 31.12.97
G. Kavaloukais, (Illinois), present - 1.1.98
S. Peigne, (France), P, present - 31.12.98



New reprints and preprints obtainable from Jette Nielsen, e-mail:

D.V. Khveshchenko and M. Yu Reizer: Phonon scattering of composite fermions. 96/84.

T. Sams, K. Sneppen, M.H. Jensen, C. Ellegaard, B.E. Christensen, and U. Thrane: Morphological instabilities in a growing yeast colony: experiment and theory. 97/4.

M. Billo, M. Caselle, and A. D'Adda: Analytic results in 2+1 dimensional finite temperature lattice gauge theory. 97/5.

A. Kashlinsky, J.C. Mather, and S. Odenwald: Limits on the cosmic infrared background from clustering in COBE/DIRBE maps. 97/6.

M. Billo, P. Di Vecchia, and D. Cangemi: Boundary states for moving d-branes. 97/7.

P. Hoyer: Charmonium production at ELFE energies. 97/8.

N.B. Shul'gina, L.V. Grigorenko, M.V. Zhukov, and J. Bang: $^{8}$He $\beta$-decay to the $^{6}$Li+n+n channel. 97/9.

Ll. Ametller, J. Bijnens, A. Bramon, and P. Talavera: Chiral-loop and vector-meson contributions to $\eta \rightarrow \pi \pi \gamma \gamma$ decays. 97/10.

L. Engvik, E. Osnes, M. Hjorth-Jensen, and T.T.S. Kuo: Nuclear and neutron matter calculations with different model spaces. 97/11.

D.V. Khveshchenko: Non-Fermi-liquid behavior of compressible states of electrons on the lowest Landau level. 97/12.

K. Sneppen and M.E.J. Newman: Coherent noise, scale invariance and intermittency in large systems. 97/13.

I. Joergensen and J. Hjorth: The fundamental plane at Z=0.18. 97/14.

J. Hjorth and N.R. Tanvir: Calibration of the fundamental plane zero-point in the Leo-I group and an estimate of the Hubble constant. 97/15.

A. Bramon, P. Gosdzinsky, and S. Tortorsa: Chiral perturbation theory predictions for $\eta \rightarrow \pi^{+} \pi^{-} \pi^{0} \gamma$. Phys. Lett. B377 (1996) 140.

K. Johnsen and J. Yngvason: Density-matrix-functional calculations for matter in strong magnetic fields. Ground states of heavy atoms. Phys. Rev. A54 (1996) 1936.

A. Kashlinsky and R. Jimenez: Modified cold-dark-matter models in light of 53W091, an old galaxy at high z. Ap. J. Letters (1997) L81-L84.

D.V. Khveshchenko: Magnetoresistance of two-dimensional fermions in a random magnetic field. Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (1996) 1817.

A. Kashlinsky, J. Mather, S. Odenwald, and M. Hauser: Clustering of the diffuse infrared light from the COBE DIRBE maps. I. C(0) and limits on the near IR background. Ap. J. 470 (1996) 681.

A. Kashlinsky, J. Mather, and S. Odenwald: Clustering of the diffuse infrared light from the COBE DIRBE maps. II. An all sky survey of C(0). Ap. J. Lett. (1996) L9-L12.

J. Bijnens and P. Gosdzinsky: Electromagnetic contributions to vector meson masses and mixings. Phys. Lett. B388 (1996) 203.

J. Bijnens, A. Fayyazuddin, and J. Prades: The $\gamma \gamma \rightarrow \pi^{0}\pi^{0}$ and $\eta \rightarrow \pi^{0}\gamma \gamma$ transitions in the extended NJL model. Phys. Lett. B379 (1996) 209.

J. Bijnens, E. Pallante, and J. Prades: Analysis of the hadronic light-by-light contributions to the muon g-2. Nucl. Phys. B474 (1996) 379.

B. Duurhuus and C. Kristjansen: Phase structure of the $O(n)$ model on a random lattice for $n > 2 $. Nucl. Phys. B483 [FS] (1997) 535.

L. Chekhov and C. Kristjansen: Hermitian matrix model with plaquette interaction. Nucl. Phys. B479 [FS] (1996) 683.

L. Magnea and E. Maina: QCD corrections to the production of a heavy quark pair plus a hard photon in $e^{+}e^{-}$ annihilation. Phys. Lett. B385 (1996) 395.

R. Jimenez, P. Thejll, U.G. Joergensen, J. MacDonald, and B. Pagel: Ages of globular clusters: a new approach. M.N.R.A.S. 282 (1996) 926.

P. Thejll, C. Flynn, R. Williamson, and R. Saffer: Proper motions of the hot subdwarfs. The kinematic population membership of the SDB. Astron. \& Astrophys. 317 (1997) 689.

A. Krogh and P. Sollich: Statistical mechanics of ensemble learning. Phys. Rev. E55 (1997) 811.

J. Ambjoern, K.N. Anagnostopoulos, U. Magnea, and G. Thorleifsson: Geometrical interpretation of the KPZ exponents. Phys. Lett. B388 (1996) 713.

I.I. Balitsky, V.M. Braun, Y. Koike, and K. Tanaka: $Q^{2}$ evolution of chiral-odd twist-3 distributions $h_L(x)$ and $e(x)$ in large $N_c$ QCD. Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (1996) 3078.

M. Beneke and V.M. Braun: Resummation of threshold corrections in QCD to power accuracy: the Drell-Yan cross section as a case study. Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl) 51C (1996) 217.

P. Ball and V.M. Braun: The $\rho$ meson light-cone distribution amplitudes of leading twist revisited. Phys. Rev. D54 (1996) 2182.

D.V. Khveshchenko: Diffusion thermopower at even denominator fractions. Phys. Rev. B54 (1996) 14317.



Title / Date / Place Contact Person Fax / Email / www
Dynamical Properties of
Unconventional Magnetic Systems.
Geilo, Norway.
2-12 April 1997.
Mary Byberg
Inst. for Energy Tech.
N-2007 Kjeller
+47-63 81 09 20 (fax)
Dense Hadronic Matter:
Concepts, Methods and Problems.
Nordita, Copenhagen.
9-10 April 1997.
C.J. Pethick
+45-31 38 91 57 (fax)
Beyond the Standard Model V.
Balholm, Norway.
29 April - 4 May 1997.
BSMV Secretary
Dept. of Physics
Univ. of Bergen
1997 European School of
High-Energey Physics.
Naestved, Denmark.
25 May - 7 June 1997.
S.M. Tracy
School of Physics
Geneva, Switzerland
+41-22 767 6760 (fax)
Microscopic Many-Body Methods.
ECT*, Trento, Italy.
26 May -6 June 1997.
M.H. Jensen
+45-31 38 91 57 (fax)
Workshop on
Cosmic Microwave Background.
TAC, Copenhagen.
29-31 May 1997.
K. Gorski
+45-35 32 59 10 (fax)
Nordic Symposium on Basic
Problems in Quantum Physics.
Hardanger, Norway.
4-10 June 1997.
L. Kochbach
Dept. of Physics
Univ. of Bergen
+47 55 58 94 40 (fax)
Nordita Master Class in Physics.
Nordita, Copenhagen.
26 July - 2 August 1997.
S. Åberg
High Energy Nuclear Collisions.
Jyväskylä, Finland.
4-15 August 1997.
V. Ruuskanen
Dept. of Physics
Univ. of Jyväskylä.
+358 14 602 351 (fax)
Fourth Nordic Summer School
in Nuclear Physics.
Falsterbo, Sweden.
11-22 August 1997.
S. Åberg
4th European Summer School
in Surface Science:
"Surface Reactivity''.
Humlebaek, Denmark,
16-22 August 1997.
Helle W. Wellejus,
Center for Atomic-scale
Materials Physics,
Bldg.307, DTU
+45 45 93 23 99 (fax)
Nordic Graduate Program in Physics.
Nordita/NBI/TAC, Copenhagen.
18-29 August 1997.
H. Heiselberg
+45-31 38 91 57 (fax)
Dynamics of Biological Systems.
Nordita, Copenhagen.
29 - 30 August 1997.
K. Sneppen
+45-31 38 91 57 (fax)
Course on Acclerator Physics,
Cern Accelerator School.
Dept. of Physics, Oslo.
1 - 12 September 1997.
S. von Wartburg
CERN Accelerator School
AC Division
CH-1211 Geneva 23
+41-22 767 5460 (fax)
Exclusive Processes in QCD.
Nordita, Copenhagen.
11 - 13 September 1997.
V. Braun
+45-31 38 91 57 (fax)
Nordic Symposium in Theoretical
High Energy Astrophysics:
"Use of the Spectrum-X-Gamma
and Integral Missions''.
Nordita / DSRI, Copenhagen.
14-16 September, 1997.
N.J. Westergaard
DSRI, Copenhagen
+45-353 62475 (fax)
New Spectroscopy and Nuclear
Structure 1997,
NBI / Nordita, Copenhagen.
16-20 September 1997.
S. Åberg +45 - 353 89157 (fax)
Nordita's 40th Anniversary
Nordita, Copenhagen.
3-4 November 1997.
  +45 - 353 89157 (fax)
Cosmology: from COBE
to Galaxy Formation.
Nordita, Copenhagen.
2 - 5 December 1997.
A. Kashlinsky
Nordita and
Goddard Space
Flight Center
+45 - 353 89157 (fax)