NORDITA NEWS   1998 / 4                     August 1, 1998

Assistant Professor in Theoretical Astrophysics

Nordita, the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, expects to have an opening for an assistant professor in astrophysics starting in September 1999, or some other date to be agreed upon. Preference will be given to young applicants with a promising research record. The full announcement for this position may be seen at website or obtained by sending an email to Deadline November 1, 1998.

Nordic Projects and Corresponding Fellowships 1999

Nordita announces the availability of funding for new Nordic projects and corresponding fellowships in 1999. The purpose and rules as well as application forms for these schemes are given on www

and may also be obtained by e-mail from The deadline for applications is 15 October 1998, with a decision by the NORDITA Board expected in December 1998.

Board Meetings

Nordita's Board will meet on 12 September and 4 December 1998 in Copenhagen.

Items for Nordita News
If you have any information about meetings, etc. that would be useful to include in Nordita News, please send it to Nordita, att.: Jette Nielsen, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen � Denmark or by e-mail: Nordita News appears on the first day of even numbered months, and material should be sent at least 3 weeks before the publication date.

Electronic Nordita News
You may order the electronic version of Nordita News by subscribing to our listserver. To obtain information on how to add your name to the recipient list, send an e-mail (with empty or no subject line): To:, Subject: (empty or none) with the following lines of text: info nordita_news. For general questions about Nordita, please send an e-mail to

Visitors at NORDITA / NBI / CATS / TAC

H. Fogedby, (Aarhus), CM, Several visits 1998, Nordita
A. Hansen, (Trondheim), CM, Several visits 1998, Nordita
P. Bortignon, (Milano), NP, Present - 20.08.98, NBI
M. Paczuski, (Houston), C, Present - 20.08.98, NBI
D. Semikoz, (Moscow), AP, Present - 20.08.98, TAC
A. Lande, (Groningen), Present - 25.08.98, Nordita
L. Rosell, (Catalunya), C, Present - 26.08.98, NBI
N. Kawamoto, (Japan), HE, Present - 29.08.98, NBI
A. Fujita, (New York), AP, Present - 31.08.98, TAC
H. Nyborg, (Aarhus), C, Present - 31.08.98, NBI
A. Smilga, (St. Petersburg), Present - 31.08.98, Nordita
L. McLerran, (Minnesota), Present - 04.09.98, Nordita
A. Wirzba, (Darmstadt), C, Present - 08.09.98, CATS
P. Padoan, (Mexico), AP, Present - 10.09.98, TAC
V. Antonuccio, (Catania), Present - 11.09.98, Nordita
H. Daido, (Kyushu), C, Present - 20.09.98, CATS
S. Shandarin, (Kansas), AP, Present - 31.12.98, TAC
N. Ohta, (Japan), HE, 20.08 - 30.08.98, NBI
T. Banday, (Garching), AP, 22.08 - 30.08.98, TAC
M. Ichimura, NP, 22.8, NBI
H. Arods, (Cracow), HE, 23.08 - 5.09.98, NBI
C. Burigana, (Bologna), AP, 23.08 - 30.08.98, TAC
J. Bromberg, 23.08 - 14.09.98, NBArchive
D. Maino, (Milano), AP, 23.08 - 30.08.98, TAC
K. Zarembo, (ITEP, Moscow), 23.08 - 04.10.98, Nordita
A.S. Botvina, (Moscow), NP, 30.08 - 20.09.98, NBI
E. Thommes, (Edinburgh), 30.08 - 09.09.98, TAC
E. Demianski, (Warsaw), AP, 31.08 - 13.09.98, TAC
N. Ohta, (Japan), HE, 06.09 - 24.09.98, NBI
F. Ayala, C, 21.09 - 23.09.98, NBI
J. Batalin, (Moscow), HE, 01.10 - 30.10.98, NBI
A. Khodzhamirian,(Wurzburg), 01.10 - 30.11.98, Nordita
M. Schmidt, (Heidelberg), HE, 1 month fall, Nordita

The fields are listed after the names: AP, astrophysics; C, Complex Systems & Chaos; NP, nuclear physics; HE, high energy physics; CM, condensed matter physics.
If you are interested in having any of these people visit your institute, please contact NORDITA.

Long-term Visitors at NORDITA

S. Peigne, (France), P, present - 31.08.98
G. Kavoulakis, (Illinois), present - 01.06.2000
V. Ambegaokar, (Cornell), September - December 1998
W. Bietenholz, (Julich), 01.09.98 - 01.09.99
Z. Konkoli, (Gteborg), 01.09.98 - 01.09.99
M. Maul, (Regensburg), 01.09.98 - 01.09.99
R. Marotta, Napoli, 01.09.98 - 01.09.2000
H. Weigert, (presently Cambridge), 01.09.98 - 01.09.99
N. Obers, CERN 15.09.98 - 15.09.2000
D. Golosov, (Chicago), 01.10.98 - 01.10.99

Postdocs and other Long-term Visitors at NBI

Peter Orland, USA, HE, 15.08.1998 - 01.02.1999
Benoit Vanderheyden, Belgium, NP, 01.09.1998
Dietrich Bdiker, Germany, HE, 01.10.1998
Gordon Semenoff , Canada, HE, 01.01.1999 - 01.06.1999

Preprints / Reprints

New reprints and preprints obtainable from Jette Nielsen, e-mail:

K. Rummukainen, M. Tsypin, K. Kajantie, M. Laine, and M. Shaposhnikov: The universality class of the electroweak theory. 98/30.

B. Pagel and G. Tautvaiiene: Chemical evolution of the Magellanic clouds: Analytical models. 98/31.

I. Vidaa, A. Polls, A. Ramos, and M. Hjorth-Jensen: Hyperon properties in finite nuclei using realistic Y N interactions. 98/32.

M. Baldo, � Elgary, L. Engvik, M. Hjorth-Jensen, and H.-J. Schulze: Modern nucleon-nucleon potentials and 3P2-3F2 pairing in neutron matter. 98/33.

T. Siiskonen, J. Suhonen, and M. Hjorth-Jensen: Towards the solution of the Cp / CA anomaly in shell-model calculations of muon capture. 98/34.

V.M. Braun, S.� Derkachov, and A.N. Manashov: Integrability of three-particle evolution equations in QCD. 98/35.

D.V. Khveshchenko: Quantum transport of composite fermions in narrow constrictions. 98/36.

T. Engeland, A. Holt, E. Osnes, and M. Hjorth-Jensen: Realistic effective interactions and large-scale nuclear structure calculation. 98/37.

V.P. Gusynin and A.V. Smilga: Electron self-energy in strong magnetic field: Summation of double logarithmic terms. 98/39.

M. Bill, P. Di Vecchia, M. Frau, A. Lerda, R. Russo, and S. Sciuto: The Lorentz force between D0 and D6 branes in string and M(atrix) theory. 98/40.

P. Ball and V.M. Braun: Exclusive semileptonic and rare B Meson decays in QCD. 98/41.

P. Hoyer and S. Peign� Quarkonium production through hard comover scattering. 98/43.

P. Elmfors, K. Enqvist, and K. Kainulainen: Strongly first order electroweak phase transition induced by primordial hypermagnetic fields. 98/45.

D. Diakonov: Trying to understand confinement in the Schrdinger picture. 98/46.

M. Wahde and M.G. Nordahl: Evolution of protean behavior in pursuit-evasion contests. 98/48.

A.V. Smilga: BPS and non-BPS domain walls in supersymmetric QCD. 98/49.

B. Pagel: Cosmic abundances. The universe at large, eds. G. Mnch, A. Mampaso, and F. Sanchez, Cambridge University Press (1997) 343.

C.J. Pethick and V. Thorsson: Effects of electron band structure on neutrino pair bremsstrahlung in neutron star crusts. Phys. Rev. D56 (1997) 7548.

E. Lundh, C.J. Pethick, and H. Smith: Zero-temperature properties of a trapped bose-condensed gas: beyond the Thomas-Fermi Approximation. Phys. Rev. A55 (1997) 2126.

B. Pagel and G. Tautvaiiene: Galactic chemical evolution of primary elements in the solar neighbourhood II: elements affected by the s-process. M.N.R.A.S. 288 (1997) 108.

H. Heiselberg and A. Vischer: Bose-Einstein correlations from opaque sources. Eur. Phys. J. C1 (1998) 593.

H.W. Barz, J. Bondorf, J.J. Gårdhøje, and H. Heiselberg: Freeze-out time in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions from Coulomb effects in transverse pion spectra. Phys. Rev. C56 (1997) 1553.

G. Baym and H. Heiselberg: The electrical conductivity in the early universe. Phys. Rev. D56 (1997) 5254.

M. Asplund: The stability of late-type stars close to the Eddington limit. Astron. & Astrophys. 330 (1998) 641.

Overview of future NORDITA and other conferences

Title / Place / Date Contact Person Fax / Email / www
Summer School in Physics
of Microbiological Systems.
Humlebaek, Denmark.
19-28 August 1998
K. Sneppen
(+45) 35 38 91 57 (fax)
Nordita - Landau Symposium.
24-29 August 1998.
E. Pedersen
(+45) 35 38 91 57 (fax)
Nordic Graduate Physics Program.
Nordita/NBI/TAC, Copenhagen.
7-18 September 1998
Anna Maria Rey
(+45) 35 38 91 57 (fax)
Strong and Electroweak Matter 98.
Nordita/NBI, Copenhagen.
2-5 December 1998.
K. Rummukainen
(+45) 35 38 91 57 (fax)