NORDITA   NEWS   1999/2                         April 1, 1999


New Appointments in Astrophysics at Nordita

It is a pleasure to announce three new appointments in astrophysics. Axel Brandenburg, presently professor at the University of Newcastle, has accepted the position of Professor of Astrophysics at Nordita. Axel whose interests are in astrophysical magnetohydrodynamics and plasma physics, was formerly a Nordic assistant professor and fellow at Nordita, and we look forward to his joining the permanent staff. Axel will be at Nordita this summer, and for the next two years he will divide his time between Newcastle and Nordita.

Rachid Ouyed, presently at St. Mary's University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, has accepted a position as assistant professor. He has strong research interests in magnetohydrodynamics and the theory of jet phenomena, as well as in other areas of astrophysics. He is expected to take up his position in September 1999.

Finally, Steen Hannestad, now at Aarhus University, has accepted a Nordic assistant professorship. His research area is astroparticle physics, with especial interest in neutrino phenomena and the cosmic microwave background.




Copenhagen Mesoscopic Days
7 - 9 May 1999.

The fourth meeting in the conference series Mesoscopic Days will be hosted by Mikroelektronik Centret (MIC) on the campus of the Technical University of Denmark.

The conference fee is dkk 300 which covers food, beverages and housing in double rooms. Single occupancy can be arranged for an additional fee. The first 40 attendees will get accomodation in the immediate neighborhood of the campus, while the rest will be housed in the downtown Copenhagen area (30 min. by train+ 10 min. by bus). The rooms will be allocated by first-come-first-served basis! Restrictions on the total number of participants may apply due to budgetary considerations. Deadline: 15 April.

We encourage, in particular, the participation of students, who will be given ample opportunity to present their results. The Copenhagen Mesoscopic Days are sponsored by NorFA and NORDITA. We are looking forward to seeing you at MIC in May! Mikroelektronik Centret, DTU, Bldg. 345E, DK-2800 Lyngby, phone: +45 45 25 57 00, fax: +45 45 88 77 62, and e-mail:


Minisymposium on Cold Atoms and Bose-Einstein Condensation
2 June 1999, Manne Siegbahn Laboratory, Stockholm, Sweden

Two leading workers in the field, Dan Kleppner (MIT) and Carl Wieman (JILA), will be visiting the Nordic countries in early June, and this symposium is being arranged to provide a forum for discussion on topics in the physics of cold atoms and Bose-Einstein condensation. The programme will be devoted primarily to presentations by Dan Kleppner and Carl Wieman, and to informal discussions. The preliminary programme is as follows:   09:30 - 10:30 Dan Kleppner / 11:00 - 12:00 Discussion / 14:00 - 15:00 Carl Wieman / 15:30 - 16:30 Discussion
People wishing to attend should contact the organizers as soon as possible. The meeting is supported by the The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, through its Nobel Institute for Physics, the Manne Siegbahn Laboratory, the NorFA network on "Coherent Laser-Atom Interactions", and NORDITA's Nordic Project "The Physics of Very Cold Atomic Systems". Some financial support for Nordic scientists to participate in the meeting is available from the two latter sources, and those wishing to apply for such should contact Chris Pethick. Detailed information about how to reach the Manne Siegbahn Laboratory may be found at the following website: /Diverse/Visit%20us/Information.html.
Organizers: Anders Kastberg, Stockholm University, Frescativaegen 24, S-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden, telephone: (+46) 8 161126, fax: (+46) 8 158674, and e-mail: and Chris Pethick, NORDITA Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen OE, Denmark, telephone: (+45) 353 25226, fax: (+45) 353 89157, and e-mail: Please reply to conference secretaries Elisabet Oppenheimer, and Hanne Bergen,


13th Nordic Symposium on Computer Simulations in Natural Science:
Quantum, Material and Biological Modeling

16 - 20 June 1999, Grimstad, Norway

Interdisciplinary research on computational physics to a large extent involves development of simple models that by a huge number of recursive iterations evolves complexity. This symposium serves as a platform for exchange of ideas within computational natural science, with a focus on new areas to explore. Presentations on physics of electron systems, granular media, deposition models, traffic jams and biology have already been arranged. PhD students and post docs are strongly encouraged to participate also from other fields of physics or computer science. Many of the concepts to be presented could have applications in more conventional areas of physics.

The symposium will be structured as follows: There will be one three-hour tutorial for each of the three main themes of the symposium during its first and second day. Each of these will be given by a well-known scientist, and emphasis will be put on pedagogical aspects. The tutorials will be followed by more specialized talks by specialists in each of the three fields. We are in addition planning for ample time for contributed talks and poster sessions.

Further information and registration form can be found at: Grimstad/poster.html. Organisers: K. Sneppen and A. Hansen.


NORDITA Master Class in Physics
24 - 31 July 1999, Nordita, Copenhagen.
A one-week school of physics will be organised in Copenhagen for students from the Nordic and Baltic countries. The school aims at introducing frontier areas of physics research by top scientists at a level understandable for undergraduate students, and also to stimulate further studies. The following four series of lectures, each of five hours, will be given: The Dynamics of Complex Systems, Maya Paczuski, Univ. of Houston, USA; Black Holes and Time Machines, Igor Novikov, Niels Bohr Institute and Nordita; Atomic Clusters, Eleanor E.B. Campbell, Chalmers, Sweden; Quantum Information, Klaus Moelmer, Aarhus Univ.. Application form and more information at the web-site: masterclass.html.


Frontiers in Magnetism - an International Meeting Satellite to LT 22
12 - 15 August 1999, KTH, Stockholm.

The main goal of this conference is to bring together scientists working on emerging and fast growing areas of novel developments in magnetism today, to evaluate and set the ground for the next millennium and beyond.

Selected topics: Modelling of nano-, and micro-magnetism; Towards the challenges of Terabyte Memory Technology; Integrated millimeter-wave and Magneto-Optic Devices; Smart Magnetic Materials; Magnetic Imaging at Meso, and Nanoscales; Novel Magnetic Power Devices: Technologies beyond 2001; Magnetoelectronics; Magnetism: Surfaces, Interfaces, and Ultra thin films; Magnetic Polymers; Nanomagnetism and Nanopatterned structures; Spin Electronics; Spins in Semiconductors; Technology of self organizing systems; Magnetism in Medical Sciences. Conference Chairmen: K.V.Rao, A.M. Grishin, T. Johansen. Some Deadlines: Abstracts due date: April 2nd. Final acceptance info: May 15.


Nordic Graduate Program in Physics
16 - 24 August 1999, Uppsala, Stockholm.

This is a nine-day program for graduate students in the Nordic and Baltic region. The aim of the program is to present a broad range of physics research in the Stockholm-Uppsala area, and to encourage contacts both between students and the local faculty, and between the students from different Nordic institutions.

Introductory lectures will give a cross-disciplinary view of current physics research in key areas of theoretical and experimental physics.

Visits will be arranged to experimental facilities at the Royal Institute of Technology, the Manne Siegbahn Laboratory, the The Swedberg Laboratory and to the observatory at Saltsjoebaden. A session on Physics in Industry will address the particular opportunities and requirements for careers outside academia.

Student presentations and informal discussions are also important parts of the program. One of the main objectives of the program is to create a creative and inquisitive atmosphere where the graduate students and the senior researchers together can broaden their knowledge of physics.

Participating faculty (organizers underlined): Astronomy - Astroparticle physics: Lars Bergstroem, Claes Fransson, Ariel Goobar, Per-Olof Hulth, Hector Rubinstein. Atomic and Molecular physics: Conny Carlberg, Henrik Cederquist, Anders Kastberg, Mats Larsson, Eva Lindroth, Sven Mannervik, Reinhold Schuch. Condensed Matter physics: Per Froejdh, David Haviland, Anders Karlhede, Ann Mattsson, Mats Wallin. High Energy and Nuclear physics: Christian Bohm, Hans Calen, Hans Hansson, Sten Hellman, Sven-Olof Holmgren, Gunnar Ingelman, Kerstin Jon-And, Sven Kullander, Ulf Lindstroem, Bo Sundborg.

Graduate student participants. To facilitate an informal atmosphere, the number of participants will be limited to 25 graduate students, evenly distributed over subfields and over the Nordic and Baltic countries. The selection will be based on teacher recommendations, with priority given to students in the first and second years of their PhD studies.

Local costs (housing, meals and excursions) will be covered by support from NorFA and Nordita. Nordic students are expected to get their travel cost covered from their home institutions, while students from the Baltic countries will be reimbursed from the program.

The deadline for applications is 1 May 1999. Further information about the program, practical arrangements and an application form can be found at This home page will be updated continually. For questions or further information you can contact the organizers at This graduate program is arranged by the physics department at Stockholm University in collaboration with scientists at the Royal Institute of Technology, the Manne Siegbahn Laboratory, the The Swedberg Laboratory and other institutes in the Stockholm - Uppsala area.


Board Meetings

Nordita's Board will meet on 6 June 1999 in Bergen.


Items for Nordita News

If you have any information about meetings, etc. that would be useful to include in Nordita News, please send it to Nordita, att.: Jette Nielsen, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen OE, Denmark or by e-mail: Nordita News appears on the first day of even numbered months, and material should be sent at least 3 weeks before the publication date.


Electronic Nordita News

You may order the electronic version of Nordita News by subscribing to our listserver. To obtain information on how to add your name to the recipient list, send an e-mail (with empty or no subject line): To:, Subject: (empty or none) with the following lines of text: info nordita_news. For general questions about Nordita, please send an e-mail to


Visitors at NORDITA / NBI / CATS / TAC

H. Fogedby, (Aarhus), CM, Several visits 1999, Nordita
A. Hansen, (Trondheim), CM, Several visits 1999, Nordita
Y. Makeenko, (Moscow), HE, Present - 15.04.99, NBI
M. Solomon, C, Present -15.04.99, NBI
B. Eynard, (Vancouver), HE, Present - 06.05.99, NBI
L. Laperashvili,(Moscow), HE, Present - 08.05.99, NBI
K. Zarembo, (Vancouver), HE, Present - 05.05.99, NBI
S. Gabor, (Hungary), C, Present - 11.06.99, NBI
O. Evnin, (Moscow), AP, Present - 30.06.99, TAC
T. Duke, (UK), BIO, Present - 30.09.99, NBI
M. Sazhin, (Moscow), AP, 2 weeks in April, TAC
J. Erickson, (Canada), HE, 20.04 - 30.06.99, NBI
M. Solomon, C, 23.04 - 24.04.99, NBI
V. Putkaradze, C, 30.04 - 11.05.99, NBI
I. Brevik, (Trondheim), 02.05 - 12.05.99, Nordita
T. Matula, (USA), C, 05.05 - 02.07.99, NBI
M. Laidlaw, (Canada), HE, 20.05 - 30.06.99, NBI

The fields are listed after the names: AP, astrophysics; C, Complex Systems & Chaos; NP, nuclear physics; HE, high energy physics; CM, condensed matter physics.

If you are interested in having any of these people visit your institute, please contact NORDITA.


Postdocs and other Long-term Visitors at NORDITA & NBI

Gordon Semenoff , (Vancouver), HE, present - 01.06.1999
W. Bietenholz, (Julich), present - 01.09.99
M. Maul, (Regensburg), present - 01.09.99
H. Weigert, (Cambridge), present - 01.09.99
D. Golosov, (Chicago), CM, present - 10.99
G. Kavoulakis, (Illinois), CM, present - 01.06.2000
R. Marotta, (Napoli), present - 01.09.2000
Benoit Vanderheyden, (Illinois), NP, present - 01.09.2000
N. Obers, (CERN), present - 15.09.2000
Dietrich Boediker, (Heidelberg), HE, present - 01.10.2000


Preprints / reprints

New reprints and preprints obtainable from Jette Nielsen, e-mail:

W. Bietenholz: On the absence of ultralocal Ginsparg-Wilson fermions. 99/1.

H.C. Fogedby: Canonical phase space approach to the noisy Burgers equation: probability distributions. 99/2.

I.V. Gornyi, A.G. Yashenkin, and D.V. Khveshchenko: Coulomb drag in double layers with correlated disorder. 99/3.

V. Hizhnyakov, D. Nevedrov, and E. Sigmund: Strongly localized anharmonic modes in perfect and imperfect crystals. 99/4.

W. Bietenholz: Exact supersymmetry on the lattice. 99/5.

H. Heiselberg: Emission times and opacities from interferometry in non-central relativistic nuclear collisions. 99/6.

A.M. Green, J. Koponen, and P. Pennanen: A variational fit to the lattice energy of two heavy-light mesons. 99/7.

B. Lehmann-Dronke, M. Maul. S. Schaefter, E. Stein, and A. Schaefer: Diffractive charged meson pair production. 99/8.

W. Bietenholz and I. Hip: The scaling of exact and approximate Ginsparg-Wilson fermions. 99/10.

V.M. Braun, S.E. Derkachov, G.P. Korchemsky, and A.N. Manashov: Baryon distribution amplitude in QCD. 99/11.

H. Heiselberg and M. Hjorth-Jensen: Phases of dense matter in neutron stars. 99/12.

D. Sornette, P. Simonetti, and J.V. Andersen: Non-linear covariance matrix and portfolio theory for non-Gaussian multivariate distributions. 99/13.

Z. Li and J. Hertz: Odor recognition and segmentation by coupled olfactory bulb and cortical networks. 99/15.

A. Liccardo, F. Pezella, and R. Marotta: Consistent off-shell tree string amplitudes. 99/16.

H. Heiselberg and A. Levy: Elliptic flow and HBT in non-central nuclear collisions. 99/17.

N.A. Obers and B. Pioline: Eisenstein series and string thresholds. 99/18.

M. Wahde and J. Hertz: Coarse-grained reverse engineering of genetic regulatory networks. 99/19.


Overview of Future Nordita and other Conferences

Title / Place / Date

Contact Person

Email / Fax / www

PANIC 99 XVth Particles and Nuclei International Conference,
10-16 June 1999
Uppsala, Sweden.
+46 18 471 3833 (fax)


IAU Colloquium No. 174
Small Galaxy Groups,
13-18 June 1999
Turku, Finland.

M. Valtonen/C. Flynn
Tuorla Observatory
FIN-21500 Piikkio
+358-2-2433767 (fax)

13th Nordic Symposium on Computer Simulations in Quantum, Biological and Materials Science,
16-20 June 1999
Grimstad, Norway.

A. Hansen
Teoretisk Fysikk
Norges teknisk-naturv. Univ.
N-7034 Trondheim
+47 7359 3372 (fax)

International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics,
15-21 July 1999,
Tampere Hall, Tampere, Finland,

Dept. of Physics
University of Helsinki


Nordita Master Class in Physics.
24-31 July 1999,
S. Åberg
Matematisk Fysik
Lunds Tekn. Högskola
Box 118
S-221 00 Lund
+46-46 222 4416 (fax)

ICACS - 18 International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids,
August 3-8, 1999,
Odense, Denmark.

K. Cauthery
Physics Department
Odense University
DK-5230 Odense M
+45 6615 8760 (fax)

LT22-22nd International Conference of Low Temperature Physics,
4-11 August 1999,
Espoo and Helsinki, Finland.

LT22 office
Low Temperature Laboratory
Helsinki University of Technology
P.O. Box 2200
FIN-02015 HUT
+358-9-451 2969 (fax)

Quantum Geometry,
August 10-20, 1999,
Akureyri, Iceland.

Gerlinde Xander
Science Institute
Dunhaga 3
IS-107 Reykjavik
+354-552-8911 (fax) quantum.html

Nordic Graduate Program in Physics,
6-24 August 1999,

H. Hansson
Fysikum (Dept. of Physics)
Stockholms Universitet
Box 6730BR
S-113 85 Stockholm
+46-8-347 817 (fax)

Minischool on Stochastic Finance,
2-4 September 1999,

Ellen Pedersen
Blegdamsvej 17
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
+45 35 38 91 57 (fax)

Methods Meet: Physics and Topical Issues of Society,
4-5 November 1999, Nordita.

P. Hoyer
Blegdamsvej 17
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
+45 3538 9157 (fax)


Blegdamsvej 17
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø

Tel: Main number +45-3532 5500
For individual extensions dial:
+45-353 + the five-digit ext.number
Fax: +45-3538 9157