NORDITA NEWS 2000/5                                                   1 October 2000


Alan Luther Awarded
Buckley Prize

Nordita Professor Alan Luther has been awarded the Buckley Prize of the American Physical Society. The prize, for outstanding contributions in condensed matter physics, will be awarded at the APS March meeting next year.

Alan shares the prize with his co-worker Vic Emery of Brookhaven National Laboratory for their seminal work on interacting fermions in one dimension. This work has influenced profoundly a whole generation of theoretical activity on low-dimensional systems, and is crucial to understanding the physics of high-temperature superconductors.

Alan and Vic started their collaboration at Brookhaven in the early 70's. Alan has been Professor at Nordita since 1976.


Nordita Fellowships 2001/2002

Complete on-line application forms and letters of recommendation should arrive at NORDITA no later than November 15, 2000. See Please ensure that potential candidates, in particular those at institutes outside the Nordic countries, receive this information.


Gerry Brown Wins Bethe Prize

Gerald E. Brown, Emeritus Professor at Nordita has been awarded the Hans A. Bethe Prize of the American Physical Society for his insightful analyses of the effects of various nuclear constituents on nucleon interactions and nucleon structure, and his contributions to new viewpoints on supernovae, neutron stars, and black hole formation.


Board Meeting

Nordita's Board will meet on 2 March 2001 in Copenhagen.


Nordic Winter School for
Particle Physics and Cosmology 2001
Gausdal, Norway, January 6-12 2001

The school is intended for PhD or advanced undergraduate students in all areas of high-energy physics and cosmology, both theoretical and experimental/observational. The purpose of the school is to introduce the students to selected hot topics in high-energy physics and cosmology, presented by some of the leading scientists working in the field. The school will be held at the Gausdal mountain hotel, approx. 40 km north of Lillehammar.

The school will be free of charge for Nordic participants (including full board and the travel between the Oslo airport and Gausdal). We also expect that we will be able to give financial support for the travel between your home institute and Oslo. You can apply for the school through the www-page Here you will also find further information about the school. The deadline for application is November 15. The number of students at the school is limited to 40. School organizers are Kari Rummukainen, NORDITA, and Poul H. Damgaard, Niels Bohr Institute.


EU Marie Curie Training Site

Nordita is an EU Marie Curie Training site in "Field Theory in Particle and Nuclear Physics" for the next four years. This means that Nordita will be funded by the EU to host students from the EU and Associated Countries for a period of three to twelve months. For more information the link to the place where one can search for Training Sites is and the link to the Nordita advertissment may be found at


NORDITA Seminars 2000

Time: 10:00-12:00 on Thursdays. Place: Auditorium M - Blegdamsvej 21. 10:00 - 10:15; Coffee in the NBI small lunch room. 10:15 Seminar and Discussion. This series of seminars by people at Nordita aimed at physicists irrespective of their subfield of specialization is continuing. Upcoming contributions are: Nov. 16: Dmitry Aristov ``Electrons on a sphere : correlations and disorder effects in restricted geometry''; Nov. 23, 30: Michael Stone (Urbana) ``A pedagogical introduction to integerable systems".


Electronic Nordita News
You may order the electronic version of Nordita News by subscribing to our listserver. To obtain information on how to add your name to the recipient list, send an e-mail (with empty or no subject line): To:, Subject: (empty or none) with the following lines of text: info nordita_news. For general questions about Nordita, please send an e-mail to

Items for Nordita News
If you have any information about meetings, etc. that would be useful to include in Nordita News, please send it to Nordita, att.: Jette Nielsen, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark or by e-mail: Nordita News appears on the first day of even numbered months, and material should be sent at least 3 weeks before the publication date.


Visitors at Nordita 2000
H. Fogedby Aarhus, CM  several visits 2000
J.F. Donoghue Massachusetts, HE 12.11.00 - 18.11.00
M. Abramowicz Göteborg, AP 17.11.00 - 03.12.00
G. Björnsson Iceland, AP 17.11.00 - 03.12.00
I. Igumenshchev Moscow, AP 17.11.00 - 03.12.00
W. Kluzniak Warzaw, AP 17.11.00 - 03.12.00
E. Laenen NIKHEF 21.11.00
S. Majumdar  India 25.11.00 - 04.12.00
A. Niemi Uppsala 27.11.00 - 01.12.00
I. Dremin Moscow January 2001

The fields are listed after the names: AP, astrophysics; C, Complex Systems & Chaos; NP, nuclear physics; HE, high energy physics; CM, condensed matter physics.

If you are interested in having any of these people visit your institute, please contact NORDITA.



Long-term Visitors at Nordita
T. Jonsson  Reykjavik present - 31.12.00
R. Marotta Italy present - 01.03.01
N. Marchal LAPTH, Annecy present - 31.07.01
M. Bertolini Italy Present - 31.10.01
M. Hörnquist Linköping present - 31.12.01
M. Stone  Urbana 06.11.00 - 15.12.00




New reprints and preprints obtainable from Jette Nielsen, e-mail:

M. Bertolini and M. Trigiante: Microscopic entropy of the most general four-dimensional BPS black hole. 2000/59.

P. H. Damgaard, U.M. Heller, R. Niclasen, and K. Rummukainen: Eigenvalue distributions of the QCD Dirac operator. 2000/61.

D. Diakonov and V. Petrov: On the non-Abelian Stokes theorem. 2000/64.

D. Diakonov and V. Petrov: Non-Abelian Stokes theorems in Yang-Mills and gravity theories. 2000/65.

A. Brandenburg and K. Subramanian: Large scale dynamos with ambipolar diffusion nonlinearity.


A. Brandenburg and J. Hazlehurst: Thermals in contact binaries. 2000/67.

H. Heiselberg: Fermi systems with long scattering lengths. 2000/68.

J. Carlson, H. Heiselberg, and V.R. Pandharipande: Kaon condensation in dense matter. 2000/69.

H. Heiselberg: Neutron stars: recent developments. 2000/70.

H. Heiselberg: Color superconducting quark matter in neutron stars. 2000/71.

K. Peeters, P. Vanhove, and A. Westerberg: Supersymmetric higher-derivative actions in ten and eleven dimensions, the associated superalgebras and their formulation in superspace. 2000/72.

S. Hannestad: On the coupling between different species during recombination. 2000/73.

S. Hannestad: Massive warm dark matter. 2000/74.

S. Hannestad: Can dark matter see itself ? 2000/75.

D. Diakonov and V. Petrov: Nucleons as chiral solitons. 2000/76.

D. Diakonov and V. Petrov: Gauge-invariant formulation of the D=3 Yang-Mills theory. 2000/77.

Ö. E. Rögnvaldsson et al. : Depletion of background galaxies due to the cluster lens CL0024+1654:

U and R band observations. 2000/78.

G. D. Moore and K. Rummukainen: Electroweak bubble nucleation, nonperturbatively. 2000/79.

M. Laine and K. Rummukainen: Two Higgs doublet dynamics at the electroweak phase transition:

A non-perturbative study. 2000/80.

T. H. Hansson, J.M. Leinaas, and S. Viefers: Exlusion statistics in a trapped two-dimensional Bose gas. 2000/81.

J. Piilo, K.-A. Suominen, and K. Berg-Sørensen: Interaction dynamics between atoms in optical lattices. 2000/82.

J. Ambjørn, K.N. Anagnostopoulos, W. Bietenholz, T. Hotta, and J. Nishimura: Simulating simplified versions of the IKKT matrix model. 2000/83.

S. Hannestad: Reconstructing the inflationary power spectrum from cmbr data. 2000/84.

D.V. Khveshchenko and J. Paaske: Incipent nodal pairing in planar D-wave superconductors. 2000/85.

P. Edén: Multiplicities in parton and dipole QCD cascades. 2000/86.