Nordita News 2004/1


Charlotte Fløe Kristjansen: New Nordic Lecturer

Charlotte Fløe Kristjansen, has been appointed Nordic Lecturer starting on January 1, 2004. Charlotte received her Ph. D. degree from the University of Copenhagen in 1993, and subsequently held positions at Saclay, Nordita, the Niels Bohr Institute and the Max-Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Berlin. Her main current interest is in the relation between gauge theory and string theory, and her work on the pp-wave/BMN correspondence has received wide attention. Earlier, a major theme of her research was models of quantum gravity, in particular matrix models. In 2003 she received the Kirstine Meyers Legat for pioneering work in quantum gravitational models. Her email address is


Nordic Projects and Corresponding Fellowships 2004

The Nordita board decided at its meeting on November 17, 2003 to support the following Nordic projects for 2004:
"Networks in Physics, Biology and all that", organizer M. Alava (new).
"Astrobiological Problems for Physicists", organizer A. Brandenburg (new).
"Statistical Physics, Soft Matter and Biological Physics", organizer R. Metzler (new).
"Manipulating Atomic Matter", organizer C. J. Pethick (new).
"High Energy Astrophysics in the INTEGRAL Era", organizer J. Poutanen, (2nd year).
"String Theory", organizer P. Di Veccchia, (3rd year).
"Strongly Correlated Electron Systems", organizer O. Syljuåsen, (3rd year).

A new corresponding fellowship was awarded to Ø. Elgarøy (Oslo), the fellowships of H. Fogedby (Aarhus), S. Hannestad (Odense) and J. Poutanen (Oulu) were extended for a second year, and the fellowship of M. Alava (Helsinki) was extended for a third year.


Astrobiology as streaming videos

The talks of the first Nordic Project Meeting on Astrobiological Problems for Physicists have been recorded and can be viewed as streaming videos. Just go to the meeting home page (see above link) click under Program, and click on the talk to get the video. Within the video you can jump to any point in the talk.


Board Meeting
Nordita's Board will meet on 11-12 March 2004 in Copenhagen.



Long-term Visitors at Nordita 2004

Jesper Sommer-Larsen (Copenhagen) 01.02.04 - 31.03.04 (ap)
Gordon Baym (Urbana) 15.02.04 - 31.05.04 (sa/cm)
Petter Holme (Sweden) until 31.05.04 (cm)
Ala Trusina (Sweden) until 30.06.04 (bio)
Gentaro Watanabe (Japan) until 31.05.05 (cm)
Federica Vian (Italy) until 15.09.05 (sa)
Paolo Merlatti (Italy) until 31.10.04 (sa)
Giuseppe Vallone (Italy) until 31.10.04 (sa)
Halvor Møll Nilsen (Norway) 01.03.04 - 15.12.04 (cm)

The fields are listed after the names: (ap) astrophysics, (bio) biological physics, (cm) condensed matter physics, (sa) sub atomic physics.


Nordita Preprints / Reprints
New preprints and reprints obtainable from Anna Maria Rey,

2003-92 A heretical view on linear Regge trajectories.   D. Diakonov, V. Petrov.
2003-93 Concurrence in the two dimensional XXZ- and transverse field Ising-models.   O. F. Syljuåsen.
2003-94 Covariant derivative expansion of Yang-Mills effective action at high temperatures.   D. Diakonov, M. Oswald.
2003-95 Covariant derivative expansion of fermionic effective action at high temperatures.   D. Diakonov, M. Oswald.
2003-96 Prisoner's dilemma in real-world acquaintance networks: Spikes and quasi-equilibria induced by the interplay between structure and dynamics.   P. Holme, A. Trusina, B. J. Kim, P. Minnhagen.
2003-97 Hierarchy and anti-hierarchy in real and scale free networks.   A. Trusina, S. Maslov, P. Minnhagen, K. Sneppen.
2003-98 Self-similar scaling in decaying numerical turbulence.   T. A. Yousef, N. E. L. Haugen, A. Brandenburg.
2003-99 The integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect as a probe of non-standard cosmological evolution.   T. Multamaki, O. Elgarøy.
2003-100 Exact solution of a linear molecular motor model driven by two-step fluctuations and subject to protein friction.   H. C. Fogedby, R. Metzler, A. Svane.
2003-101 Ejection of bi-helical fields from the sun.   A. Brandenburg, E. G. Blackman.
2003-102 Scaling determination of the nonlinear I-V characteristics for 2D superconducting networks.   P. Minnhagen, B. J. Kim, A. Gronlund.
2004-001 Effects of degenerate sterile neutrinos on the supernova neutrino flux.   P. Keränen, J. Maalampi, M. Myyryläinen, J. Riittinen.
2004-002 Catastrophic alpha quenching alleviated by helicity flux and shear.   A. Brandenburg, C. Sandin.
2004-003 Three-spin strings on AdS_5 x S^5 from N=4 Super Yang Mills theory.   C. Kristjansen.
2004-004 Directed-loop Monte Carlo simulations of vertex models.   O. F. Syljuåsen and M. B. Zvonarev.
2004-005 Homochiral growth through enantiomeric cross-inhibition.   A. Brandenburg, A. C. Andersen, S. Hoefner, M. Nilsson.
2004-006 Neutron star cooling.   D. G. Yakovlev, C. J. Pethick.
2004-007 Global structure of Bose-Einstein condensates at high rotation: Beyond the lowest Landau level description.   G. Watanabe, C. J. Pethick.
2004-008 An introduction to the physics of ultracold atomic gases.   C. J. Pethick, H. Smith.
2004-009 Self organized scale free networks from merging and regeneration.   B. Jun Kim, A. Trusina, P. Minnhagen, K. Sneppen.
2004-010 Scale free structures from merging and small scale excitations.   K. Sneppen, M. Rosvall, A. Trusina, P. Minnhagen.
2004-011 Self organisation of large scale structures from merging and small scale fluctuations.   P. Minnhagen, M. Rosvall, K. Sneppen, A. Trusina.
2004-012 Response variability in balanced cortical networks.   A. Lerchner, C. Ursta, J. Hertz, M. Ahmadi, P. Ruffiot.
2004-013 Mean field methods for cortical network dynamics.   J. Hertz, A. Lerchner, M. Ahmadi.
2004-015 Suppression of small scale dynamo action by an imposed magnetic field.   N.E.L. Haugen, A. Brandenburg.
2004-016 Inertial range scaling in numerical turbulence with hyperviscosity.   N.E.L. Haugen, A. Brandenburg.


Overview of Future Nordita Meetings and other Meetings in the Nordic Countries

11 - 14 March 2004. Nordita, Copenhagen.
Workshop: "Nordita Days on Slim Disks".
M. Abramowicz, A. Brandenburg. Email:

5 - 8 April 2004. Saariselkä, Finnish Lapland.
Nordic Project: Workshop on "High Energy Astrophysics III".
J. Poutanen. Email:

15 - 17 April 2004. Aarhus, Denmark.
Workshop: "Aspects of Large Quantum Systems Related to Bose-Einstein Condensation".
K. Mølmer, et al., Aarhus University. Online registration.

22 - 24 April 2004. Nordita, Copenhagen.
Workshop: "Depinning transitions in disordered media: theory and applications".
Mikko Alava, Helsinki University of Technology. Email:

27 June - 2 July 2004. Göteborg, Sweden.
INPC 2004, International Nuclear Physics Conference.   Online registration.
(Nordita contact: C.J. Pethick. Email:

12 - 16 July 2004. Reykjavik, Iceland.
Bioastronomy 2004, Habitable Worlds.
Online registration.

8 - 14 August 2004. Humlebæk, Denmark.
Summer school and workshop: "Complex Motion in Fluids".
T. Bohr, A. Brandenburg, M.H. Jensen et al. Email:

9 - 27 August 2004. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Niels Bohr Summer Institute on Quantum Optics.   -   Registration email:
K. Mølmer, E. Polzik, C.J. Pethick. Email:,

13 - 15 August 2004. Turku, Finland.
Nordic Project: Workshop on "Astrobiological problems for physicists II".
A. Brandenburg. Email:

23 - 27 August 2004. Göteborg, Sweden.
ICBP 2004. 5th International Conference on "Biological Physics".   Online registration.
(J. Hertz, organizer at Symposium: 11. Complex Systems).

Nordic Project: Workshop on "Statistical Physics, Soft Matter and Biological Physics".
R. Metzler et al. Email:

2 - 4 September 2004. Nordita, Copenhagen
Workshop on "Cosmic Ray Dynamics: From Turbulent to Galactic-Scale Magnetic Fields".
A. Brandenburg et al. Email:

17-19 September 2004. Skiphelle near Oslo, Norway.
"2nd Nordic Neuroinformatics Workshop".
G.T. Einevoll, J.Hertz, et al.   Email:


Items for Nordita News
If you have information about meetings, etc. that would be useful to include in Nordita News, please send it to Hanne Bergen, Nordita, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark or by email:



March 2004

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