Selected and/or recent talks by Axel Brandenburg



Homochirality: a prerequisite or consequence of life? (Quy Nhon 2022)

Homochirality without autocatalysis or cross-inhibition (Tartu 2018)

Astrobiology, homochirality, and the origin of life (Bergen 2010)

Origin of homochirality in an early peptide world (Lyon 2006) [PowerPoint]

Topics in Astrobiology (Copenhagen 2004) [PowerPoint]

Planetesimal formation (Lund+Marseille 2003)

Stars, Discs, & Galaxies

Radiative convecion simulations of CV disks (Warsaw 2018)

The nature of convecton in disks (Sigtuna 2018)

Enhanced stellar activity for slow antisolar differential rotation? (Boston 2018)

The solar dynamo and its spots (Palermo 2015)

What can be learnt from stars about galactic magnetism (Onsala 2013)

Acrretion disc turbulence (Stockholm 2007) [PowerPoint]

Accretion disc dynamos (Bonn 2006) [PowerPoint]

Nonhelical inverse transfer (Delft 2015) [PowerPoint]

Shearing box simulations: MRI and forced turbulence (Bologna 2005) [PowerPoint,PDF]

Outflows and accretion in a star-disc system (Banff 2004) [PowerPoint]

SN-driven ISM (Graeme Sarson, Copenhagen 2002)

Magnetic activity along the main sequence (Uppsala 2002) [PowerPoint]


Spatially extended SIR models & quadratic growth

Piecewise quadratic growth during COVID-19 [pdf, YouTube]

Hubble law -> Hubble-Lemaitre law (Stockholm 2018) [pdf]

Science Writer Workshop (Stockholm 2012)

Nordita (Stockholm 2012)

Pencil Code (Helsinki 2012)

Cosmic ray current driven turbulence (Bern 2012)

StixFest 2019 (Freiburg 2019)

RaedlerFest 2011 (Stockholm 2011)

Chandrasekhar Centenary (Bangalore 2010) [PDF]

Ilkka Fest (Stockholm 2009)

High-order codes (Aussois 2009)

Chandrasekhar (Trieste 2009)

Lightsabers (Uppsala 2009)

Euler Potentials (Heidelberg 2009)

Pencil Code since August 2006 (Stockholm 2007) [PowerPoint, PDF]

Computing on the Horseshoe linux cluster (Odense 2002)

Citation Patterns in Astrophysics (Nyborg 2001)

Link to Older Versions (but of similar talks)


Turbulence (MHD and hydro)

Helical magnetic fields in the early universe [pdf, YouTube]

Selfexcited dynamos: between theory, laboratory, and astrophysical reality [pdf, YouTube]

Prandtl number dependence of the magnetic-to-kinetic energy dissipation (Delft 2015) [


Rethinking basic concepts of solar convection and sunspots (Boulder 2015)

Sunspots, the interface between dynamos and theory of stellar atmospheres (Potsdam 2014)

Solar dynamo and its spots as a shallow phenomenon (Turku 2013)

Magnetic field generation on long time scales (Oulu 2013)

Detection of NEMPI in turbulence simulations (London 2012)

Numerical simulations of astrophysical dynamos (Catania/Naxos 2010)

Surface appearence of helical dynamos (Bremen 2010)

Test-field method (Bozeman 2010)

Catastrophic quenching (Stockholm 2010)

Large-scale dynamos at low magnetic Prandtl numbers (High Tatras 2009)

Dynamos over different astrophysical scales (Rio 2009)

Convective dynamos (Trieste 2009)

The solar dynamo (Trieste 2009)

Paradim shifts in solar dynamo modeling (Cambridge 2008)

Turbulence talk at KTH (Stockholm 2007) [PowerPoint]

Solar Interior (L'Aquila 2006) [PowerPoint]

Critical issues to get right (Boulder 2006) [PowerPoint]

Simulations showing mean fields (Boulder 2008)

Magnetic helicity and how to get rid of it (Tromsoe 2005) [PowerPoint,PDF]

Dynamo action in shear flow turbulence (IPAM 2005) [PowerPoint]

Helicity and Helicity Flux (Freiburg 2004) [PowerPoint]

MHD turbulence is the ISM and discs (Heidelberg 2004) [PowerPoint]

Passive scalar advection (Oldenburg 2003) [PowerPoint]

Does hyperviscosity spoil the inertial range? (Nice 2004) [PowerPoint]

Helical and nonhelical turbulent dynamos (Laguna Beach 2003, related papers)

Early Universe

Primordial gravitational waves (program talk 2019)

Primordial gravitational waves (Bad Honnef 2019)

Vorticity production [pdf] (Arizona State U 2012)

Inverse magnetic cascade as a paradigm for Early Universe MHD [PowerPoint,PDF]

Convection & Radiation

Entropy rain

Prograde patterns in rotating convection [PowerPoint]

Simple radiative transfer in decomposed domains (by Tobi Heinemann Freiburg 2003) [PowerPoint]

$Date: 2023/06/13 16:31:29 $, $Author: brandenb $, $Revision: 1.83 $