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Cristóbal Arratia, Nordita Assistant Professor


Field of research: Fluid dynamics, instabilities, transition, waves.

List of MSc projects:

  1. Wave emission in extended conservative systems

    This project focuses in studying a mechanism of wave generation that occurs in extended systems with a time reversal symmetry. It can be applied to various contexts.

  2. Onset of patterns in dissipative media

    The project(s) can study this problem through different approaches: propagation of fluid-elastic instabilities, effects of anisotropy in 2D, study of a normal form, etc.

Alexander Balatsky, Nordita Professor


Field of research: Condensed matter theory: superconductivity; Dirac matter; the interplay of quantum matter and electrical, optical and mechanical phenomena; Multiferroics; materials informatics, Quantum materials for Dark Matter detection

Description of MSc project(s):

  1. Machine Learning methods for predictive tool of radon levels in houses.

    This project is at the interface of machine learning and environmental science. It will be done in collaboration with the Swedish regulatory agency SSM. The high natural radon levels in houses counts as one of the main factors to cancer in the raspiratory system in Sweden. The goal is to develop machine learning tools to determine the main controlling factors for high radon levels. The work will involve application of established machine learning tools to available data.

    Contact: A. Balatsky (

  2. Machine learning for prediction of quantum materials properties.

    The focus of this project is to use machine learning tools to identify organic materials with desired electronic and magnetic properties. The basis for the search is the Organic Materials Database ( developed at Nordita. Organics are a fascinating materials class exhibiting strong correlation and quantum effects leading to unconventional phases of quantum matter.

    Contact: A. Balatsky (

  3. Modelling of quantum magnetic materials with the OMD.

    This project aims to extend and explore calculations of tensorial exchange interactions for quantum magnetic materials. It involves development and use of the Organic Materials Database ( We envision the development and utilization of an algorithmic approach for the calculation of higher spin-spin interactions, such as Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and other anisotropic couplings. The challenge lies in constructing an automated workflow allowing to calculate the desired properties for thousands of materials in a similar fashion.

    Contact: A. Balatsky (, Johan Hellsvik (

  4. Quantum Materials for Dark Matter detection.

    We are looking for a student to be involved in a search for the materials for dark matter detection. Quantum materials exhibit fascinating correlated and entangled states. Some have axion electrodynamics and thus are candidates for sensors for the dark matter detection. Project involves looking at electromagnetic response and sensitivities of different axion scattering porcesses in quantum materials.

    Contact: A. Balatsky (

  • Additional information:
    [1] Theoretical Quantum Matter group, Nordita
    [2] The Organic Materials Database (OMDB),
    [3] J. Hellsvik, R. Díaz Pérez, R. M. Geilhufe, M. Månsson, A. V. Balatsky., Phys. Rev. Materials 4, 024409 (2020).
    [4] B Olsthoorn, AV Balatsky, Physical Review B 101 (4), 045120 (2020).

Axel Brandenburg, Nordita Professor


Field of research: Astrophysics and Astrobiology

Description of MSc project(s):

  1. Spatio-temporal spreading of homochirality in dilute systems:

    In astrobiology, homochirality refers to the specific handedness of biomolecules, which is also related to the sense in which polarized light is rotated. What has been investigated in the past is chemical rate equations giving rise to the emergence of homochirality at the origin of life. Spatial spreading has also been studied. In recent years, the importance of fluctuations in dilute system has gained interest. The idea of this masters project is to study numerically the spatial spreading in a system where fluctuations are important.

    For recent literature, see:
    Brandenburg, A.: 2019. The limited roles of autocatalysis and enantiomeric cross-inhibition in achieving homochirality in dilute systems, Orig. Life Evol. Biosph. 49, 49-60 (

Francesco Coghi, Nordita Fellow


Field of research: Fluctuations of observables in stochastic models of equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical physics. Keywords: fluctuations, equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical physics, large deviation theory, spectral and variational methods, complex networks.

I am interested in the study of fluctuations of observables in stochastic models of equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical physics, both theoretically and with applications to probability sampling, network science, and biophysics. My main focus is on developing mathematical and numerical techniques to the study of the probability distributions of observables of interest. To achieve this goal I make extensive use of spectral and variational methods of large deviation theory, a branch of probability that concerns the asymptotic study of exponentially-distributed sums of random variables.

If you are interested in these topics, do not hesitate to get in touch. We could find some better-tailored projects.

Description of MSc project(s):

  1. keywords: large deviations, random walks, random graphs, spectral/variational methods

    Random walks on random graphs are a versatile stochastic model for many real-world processes, such as disease spreading, searching strategies, information retrieval in the web, etc... In this project, the student could either study fluctuations of particular observables of these random walks via spectral and variational large deviation methods, or first-passage time questions (escape problems).

    Ask for references.

  2. keywords: Nonreversible processes, efficiency of numerical sampling, stochastic differential equations, control theory, large deviations

    It is known that the distribution of nonreversible Markov processes breaking the detailed balance condition converges faster to the stationary distribution compared to reversible processes having the same stationary distribution. This is used in practice to accelerate Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms that sample the Gibbs distribution by adding nonreversible transitions of nongradient drift terms. In this project, the student could study the faster convergence in particular Langevin systems, or how to find a possible trade-off between convergence speed and accuracy via control theory methods, or again the role played by diffusion coefficients.

    Ask for references.

  3. keywords: rare-event sampling methods, reinforcement learning, spectral methods, numerical simulations, stochastic gradient descent

    Reinforcement learning algorithms could be used to efficiently study the appearance of rare events in stochastic models of statistical physics. These algorithms combine power methods with importance sampling to adaptively learn (and sample) the rare events of interest. In this project, the student could focus on the development of a stochastic-gradient descent version of the aforementioned algorithms, or on the implementation of such algorithms to the study of fluctuations of particular models.

    Ask for references.

Fabio Costa, Nordita Assistant Professor


Field of research: Quantum information, quantum causal structures, open quantum systems.

List of MSc projects:

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  1. Coarse graining and delocalised subsystems in quantum causal structures

  2. Information measures on quantum causal structure

  3. Dimensionality of quantum memory in multi-time processes

Guilherme Franzmann, Guest Researcher at Nordita (starting as assistant professor in October 2024), Postdoc and Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy, Stockholm University


Field of research: Quantum Gravity, Spacetime Emergence, Theoretical Cosmology, Foundations of gravity, quantum foundations

List of MSc projects:

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  1. Space and Time Emergence

    Using quantum perturbations that change the amount of entanglement between quantum sub-systems to derive the:

    Project-1.a. Emergent relative distances between quantum sub-systems;
    Project-1.b. Temporal evolution of generic quantum systems.
  2. Gravitational-Quantum Systems

    Investigating how to rigorously break down gravitational-quantum systems into sub-systems and applying to:

    Project-2.a. Black hole physics;
    Project-2.b. Gravity-induced-entanglement experiments.
  3. Emergent Spacetime Phenomenology

    Linking spacetime emergence from first principles to observations through:

    Project-3.a. Emergent dark energy from non-local entanglement perturbations;
    Project-3.b. Spacetime emergence in the lab using entanglement perturbations to yield spacetime fluctuations and devising experiments to probe these fluctuations.

Robert Jonsson, Nordita Postdoc


Field of research: Relativistic Quantum Information, Quantum Optics, Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetimes, Gaussian States, Causal Fermion Systems

My research is inspired by new regimes of matter-light interaction which quantum technology can achieve today, and by fundamental questions about quantum fields and their interplay with spacetime geometry. Therefore, most of my research questions combine quantum information theory, quantum optics and quantum field theory. In some projects I also branch into the theory of Causal Fermion Systems, and try to apply methods from machine learning and optimization. You can find my papers here on the arXiv: Please, do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions!

Description of MSc project(s):

Download the detailed and illustrated description of the MSc project(s) here.

  1. Inverse star-to-chain transformations for bath design

    Depending on your interests and previous experience this project can put varying weight on analytical questions, numerical work and programming or on potential experimental platforms. We will be collaborating with Dr. Johannes Knörzer (ETH) and there should be opportunity for a research visit to the ETH Zurich under the project.

  2. Projects on Gaussian states and their costs

    Gaussian states arise as the ground and thermal states of quadratic (i.e., the most basic) Hamiltonians in both fermionic and bosonic systems. This makes them a hugely important class of quantum states appearing in all fields of physics: from condensed matter (e.g., Bose-Einstein condensates, superconductors), over quantum optics (squeezed and coherent states) to quantum field theory (vacuum and thermal states, Hawking radiation, Unruh effect).

  3. Projects on Causal Fermion Systems

    Causal Fermion Systems (CFS) are a candidate for a unified theory of gravity and quantum fields, proposed by Felix Finster (Regensburg). The approach, for example, accurately predicts the existence of three generations of elementary particles together with the couplings between them. What I find particularly interesting about the approach, is its well-founded mathematical framework which, so to speak, uses very familiar concepts but in a new order.

Ivan Khaymovich, Nordita Assistant Professor


Field of research: Non-ergodic phases of matter, many-body and Anderson localization, quantum ergodicity breaking, entanglement

Description of MSc project(s):

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  1. Non-ergodic avalanche in many-body localization
    - analytics + numerics.

    The project is devoted to the investigation of the quantum avalanche as a mechanism of the many-body localization transition, taking into account a non-ergodic nature of the avalanche, melting the localized particles.

  2. Localization of light on ultra-cold atoms
    - analytics + numerics + interaction with the experiment.

    The project is aimed at understanding the ways of the Anderson localization of light with vector polarization, scattered at the ultra-cold atomic cloud.

  3. Multifractality in superconducting quasiperiodic models
    - analytics

    The project is devoted to the investigation of the origin and general condition for realizing the multifractal phase in 1d tight-binding models with superconducting interaction and quasiperiodic on-site potential.

  4. Floquet dynamics and wave-packet spreading in random matrices, relevant for the many-body localization
    - analytics + numerics

    The project is aimed at the consideration of the periodically driven random matrix models, relevant to the many-body localization transition, and comparison of the above two systems.

Soon Hoe Lim, Nordita Assistant Professor and WINQ Fellow


Field of research: Machine learning, applied probability, dynamical systems, statistical mechanics

List of MSc projects:

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  1. Are Robust Sequence Models Better Forecasters?

  2. Small Dynamics Model: Generative AI for Dynamics Modeling

Sreenath K. Manikandan, WINQ Fellow


Field of research: Quantum measurements, quantum Information, and quantum thermodynamics.

List of MSc projects:

  1. The thermodynamics of quantum spin-to-charge conversion measurements

    Quantum spin-to-charge conversion measurements are used to acquire spin quantum information in the semiconductor-based spin qubits platform, where quantum information is encoded in individual electron spins. The project aims to thermodynamically characterize cycles of spin-to-charge conversion measurements and look into their quantum device applications.

Olli Mansikkamäki, Nordita Postdoc


Field of research: Condensed matter physics, superconducting circuits

List of MSc projects:

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  1. Transmon decoherence outside the qubit subspace

    Analytical and/or numerical study of the scaling behaviour of the decoherence rate with the number of excitations in a transmon.

Lars Mattsson, Nordita Assistant Professor


Field of research: Astrophysics, computational fluid dynamics: cosmic dust, interstellar medium and circumstellar outflows

Description of MSc project(s):

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  1. Zoom-in 3D simulation of a supernova blast wave interacting with a realistic interstellar medium

  2. Shock-wave theory

Dhrubaditya Mitra, Nordita Assistant Professor


Field of research: Soft-matter, astrophysics and turbulence

Description of MSc project(s):

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  1. A diagrammatic route to weak-MHD turbulence

    Use Feynman diagrams to calculate statistical properties of turbulence in magneto-hydrodynamics with a large scale magnetic field.

  2. Growth of planetesimals by deposition

    Modify an existing Lattice Boltzman code to study flows around a mud ball on which the flow deposits dust grains.

  3. Monte carlo simulations of active fluid membranes

    Write a Monte Carlo code for simulation of fluid membranes

Florian Niedermann, Nordita Assistant Professor


Field of research: Cosmology and high energy physics, effective field theories applied to gravity, cosmological phase transitions. I am also open to discussing the student's project ideas.

List of MSc projects:

  1. Probing scalar and tensor modes from a first-order phase transition with the cosmic microwave background

    In this project, we investigate under which circumstances the scalar and tensor perturbations produced in a first-order phase transition, which occurs close to recombination in the dark sector, can be probed in the cosmic microwave background. Depending on interest, this project can be extended in a more theoretical or phenomenological direction. Although the research question is of general interest, a similar phase transition has been recently claimed to provide a framework for addressing the Hubble tension.

    Relevant literature: (triggered phase transition), (cosmological perturbation theory), (review on gravitational waves from phase transitions)

Henri Riihimäki, Nordita Postdoc


Field of research: Applied topology with applications in complex networks

List of MSc projects:

  1. Topological modeling of information processing on networks:

    Recently an extensive theoretical framework to understand information processing in neural networks was proposed, based on homotopy theory and category theory [1]. Neural networks in this context refer to networks of biological neurons. In particular, the work provides some theoretical answers to the observations in [2], that a dynamical activity in a brain network generates highly nontrivial topology in the underlying neural network. A suitable topic for a project would be to focus on and understand a small part of the extensive paper [1]. The project could then include constructing illustrative concrete examples of the theory and doing computations, explain the theoretical results relating to [2], or find more computable homological descriptions of the theory. The project could also focus on considering whether the framework in [1] is amenable to modeling information processing in networks other than neural kind, for example quantum networks of interacting qubits. The project will require some familiarity of algebraic topology and category theory.

    [1] Y. Manin, M. Marcolli - Homotopy Theoretic and Categorical Models of Neural Information Networks,
    [2] M. Reimann et al. - Cliques of Neurons Bound into Cavities Provide a Missing Link between Structure and Function,

Ronnie Rodgers, Nordita Postdoc


Field of research: Strongly coupled quantum field theory, holography

List of MSc projects:

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  1. Transport in holographic Weyl semimetals

    In this project we will use techniques from high energy physics to study condensed matter systems: Weyl semimetals, a recently discovered class of materials with novel properties.

Nikhil Sarin, Nordita Fellow


Field of research: Gravitational waves, high-energy transients, Bayesian inference

Description of MSc project(s):

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  1. The fate of binary neutron star mergers

    Modelling the aftermath of binary neutron star mergers

  2. Multi-messenger astrophysics from merging neutron star binaries

    Joint analysis of gravitational-wave and electromagnetic signals from binary neutron stars

  3. What powers the biggest explosions in the Universe? (With Dr. Conor Omand)

    Unveiling the engine behind superluminous supernovae

  4. Redback: An end-to-end software for electromagnetic transients

    Developing next-generation tools to infer properties from astrophysical transients

  5. Optimising searches for electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational-wave sources (with Prof. Ariel Goobar and Dr. Stephen Stoprya)

    Using maps of large-scale structure to guide follow-up for the electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational-wave sources.

Jing Yang, WINQ Fellow


Field of research: Quantum Metrology and Sensing, Quantum Information Theory, Quantum Control Theory, Open Quantum Systems

List of MSc projects:

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  1. Precision Limits in Many-body Quantum Metrology

  2. Time Cost in Quantum State Preparation

  3. Transport and Non-Markovianity in Dissipative Many-body Quantum Systems

Konstantin Zarembo, Nordita Professor


Field of research: Quantum Field Theory

Description of MSc project(s):

  1. Quantum Integrability

    Quantum integrability connects profound mathematical machinery with strongly-coupled behavior of quantum systems, often rather complex and difficult to understand by other means.

    Bethe ansatz for Heisenberg spin chain will be a starting point. Can be extended in many directions, towards cond-mat, QFT, or string theory applications, depending on interests.

  2. SO(10) Unification and Dark Matter

    Grand Unification of electroweak and strong interactions is an old idea. It was known for a long time that SO(10) can neatly incorporate all known elementary particles and their quantum numbers. Unification has also room for an elementary particle Dark Matter. The aim is to review SO(10) unification and investigate how Dark Matter can be embedded in the unification framework.

  3. Frustrated Ferromagnets in 1D

    Strong-coupling behavior of frustrated ferromagnets in 1D is not completely understood. The ground state is known, but it is not clear, for example, if the excitation spectrum has a gap or not. The aim will be to study this system as far as possible by field theory methods.

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